#nudism as told by two women


One of the recurring themes on naturists forums is the, somehow, lack of women. It’s sometimes true there are more men than women interested by naturism, online. On nude beaches or nudist resorts, I still feel women are well represented and parity is almost perfect. Now, when you discuss nudism with women and men, women are generally less enthusiast to try. They may feel less secure, more vulnerable. So when other women share their experience about nudism, it’s the kind of information worth spreading.

The first story coma from Kimberlee, who shared her experience at the Caliente Resort in Florida (unfortunately now 404). Kimberlee shares how she moved from body shame to body acceptance by getting naked. As she said to get over her body shame, “I gave myself a challenge to go to a clothing optional resort”. I love the way she shares how people are just behaving normally while naked: “It was as if I was in another continent seeing natives in their own habitat”. Then she realizes many other people were like her, with bumps and lumps, but just acting naturally naked: “They were happy, enjoying life and very non-judgmental, respectful and loving towards the others”. And then the epiphany: “After ten minutes of watching people do their thing, as if they were at a golf and country club pool I noticed one ever big difference. Total acceptance!” She discovers the beauty of naturism, respect! No matter what or who, people respect you: “I felt more comfortable here tanning than at a non-nudist pool.” She continues sharing her very positive experience this day and closes her post with “It was true life changing experience. ..for the better!” This is what nudism does to people!

The second story comes from Ireland. Here, a journalist for the Idependent.ie news magazine, Sarah Carey, shares her experience at a nudist campsite in France. Sarah starts with her anxiety about getting naked to her choice of non-trimmed pubic hair. At the camp, she discovers the beauty of shapes and that “perfection was freakish”. She realizes too that “we’ve been crushed by bodily shame and anxiety.” She closes the articles by talking about her clothes: “Taking them off was the only way to liberate myself.” As a whole, I am not sure whether she enjoyed her week, but she made quite a lot of positive discoveries.

Overall, I loved the fact that both felt different after, that they felt liberated from the norms imposed by modern society. In the end this is what matters to naturist: feeling themselves in their best suit: the one they got at their birthday!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash


  1. As I have said elsewhere, women have even more to gain from naturism than men do, in the form of freedom from body shame and from the need to conform to false ideals. The women naturists I know are often even more committed and clear in their thoughts about it than the men.

  2. I was raised from birth in a loving nudist home. So when I introduced my nudist lifestyle to my teenage friends I could see the insecurities and the hesitation that I never experienced. It made me sad that society creates such insecurities, but I am happy to report that once my friends tried it they wondered why they made such a big fuse over it!

  3. I’m curious where the original articles these women wrote are, so that I can share them female friends who are apprehensive about trying nudism.
    Could you share those links?

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