My 5 #nudist resolutions for 2016


Yes, I know, beyond January, new year’s resolutions are generally forgotten. However, I found a simple way to make them all true, and it boils down to 3 things: make them realistic, have them handy in your diary (paper or electronic) and share them with friends so you can review on a monthly or quarterly basic. So here are my #nudist resolutions for 2016:

  1. Spend a full week clothes free. Whether the NEWT or a clothes optional resort, I have not yet made up my mind.
  2. Organize at least one clothes-optional party at home. Not all my friends are naturist, so I’ll need to pick the ones who are and the ones who are not and are OK to stay clothed while others are naked. It will definitely be fun!
  3. Participate in one naked 5K. I will find the right one that fits with my schedule so I can plan ahead and run bare!
  4. Make and display a “clothes optional” sign at my house. I have been writing about it, never done it. I want to do a kind of vintage signage. I have some ideas so I need to plan accordingly to find the right material and do it.
  5. Visit one new nudist resort. You expand your mind by visiting new places and meeting new people. Based on my trips, I will ensure I spend a day or two in a nudist resort to spend time socially naked.

As you can see, nothing’s unrealistic, but it may require some planning, and it will go with other resolutions I have that are not linked to nudism like some work I want to finish in my house or goals I want to achieve with my family. So let’s meet in a quarter and see how those resolutions progress. What about you? Do you have any nudist resolutions?

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Pedro Monteiro on Unsplash


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