Naturist/Nudist Misconceptions and the Truth


I just love when mainstream press writes about naturism because it emphasizes the message that nudity is normal. Here’s another one in the Huffington Post about naturism misconceptions and the truth.

Read the article, and here are some extracts I particularly liked:

  • Naturists are normal people who choose to do everyday things but just without clothes on
  • We just don’t think clothes are essential to everyday life
  • Naturism is the perfect antidote to what you see in the media as the perfect body
  • It is more about feeling good about yourself and being liberated from wearing clothes
  • So try taking off your clothes and allow being a Naturist to change your life. What have you got to loose!

To answer to the last, you just got to lose your clothes, and I assure you it feels really good!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

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