My First Time At A Nudist Resort


What can we expect more that those kind of articles that stands as an epiphany for the naturist lifestyle? This post from Abigail Moss on Refinery29 entitled My First Time At A Nudist Resort is more that a just a story of a first timer, it’s a great testament to what naturism is about. Here are some exceprt I really liked:

  • “I am not a naturist, I suppose is what I’m saying. Or, at least, I wasn’t, until a couple of weeks ago.” Well, when the article finishes with “Next summer, we’re going back.” I bet Abigail is now a naturist, particularly with the below.
  • “I took the shorts off and nobody looked, nobody pointed, nobody laughed. Obviously not. Everyone else was naked too.” And yes, this is the first “surprise” of any non naturist visiting a naturist resort, naturists don’t see naked people, they just see people who happened to be naked. Respect is probably the number one value among naturists, and nakedness is definitely shared.
  • “On a beach, being naked just makes good practical sense. No swimsuit for sand to get all caught up in, no tan lines to worry about.” All is said.
  • “And once you’ve been naked on a beach, why not at a bar, or in a corner shop, or a swimming pool?” Yes, this is the beauty of feeling well naked and being with naturists, it just becomes the new normal. It’s actually quite strange how it becomes so natural quickly. No t-shirt, no pant, just you!
  • “We’re all just people. Various sizes and shapes and levels of hairiness and wrinkliness and tan, but, basically all the same.” Yes, this is the second “surprise” from non naturist: body acceptance, oneself and others. You may be surprised the first times, then do not pay attention to it anymore, we are just human beings and feel great to be among people who are not making a statement by wearing so and so clothes.
  • “Being naked, I realised, doesn’t expose you at all – it makes you anonymous and equal.” This is a huge discovery and probably the most important ones, as it explains why our body is not sexual by nature, we have sexualized it over time. Gaining our freedom back to be naked makes us better, I think.
  • And the last: “Flying home to headlines and TV reports filled with hatred and division, there’s something very comforting in having discovered a place where people are just people.” Naturism is the best lifestyle I know, the one that makes people who they truly are, just human beings who aspire to a good life.

Share this article among your non naturist friends and you may convert them to naturism. They may join you to your next club meeting or naturist holidays. It’s said nakations are the best vacations and it’s even better with good friends!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

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