The 10 commandments of the naturist at the beach


Ok, it’s winter! If you can, you may be on a nudist beach in the Caribbean or in Central America. If not, you are sitting naked close to a warming fire thinking about your next nakation. In all cases, next time you are at the nudist beach, here are 10 commandments to observe for your well being and the one of the other naturists who share this piece of sand.

  1. Thou shalt be entirely naked.
  2. Thou shalt not stare at others.
  3. Thou shalt not take picture without asking permissions.
  4. Thou shalt behave appropriately.
  5. Thou shalt cover your body with sun lotion.
  6. Thou shalt take enough water to stay hydrated.
  7. Thou shalt leave the beach clean by taking your garbage with you (including your cigarette butts if you smoke).
  8. Thou shalt make nudity respected by asking textiles to get naked if they want to stay on the nude side of the beach.
  9. Thou shalt help to expel gawkers and exhibitionists.
  10. Thou shalt participate to organized activities.

And an eleventh for the benefit of naturism development:

11. Thou shall invite family and friends to join you so they can discover the joy of naturism.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Ryan Loughlin on Unsplash

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