Why I’m Getting Naked On The Internet – #getmorenaked


Jessi Kneeland’s “purpose on earth is to help all women break free from the body image issues, fear, shame, and armor that hold them back”. And this is one of the reasons she’s decided to get naked on the internet.

Jessi is a coach, teacher, speaker, and writer dedicated to helping women love their bodies. What better way to love you body than to first accept it naked when you look yourself in the mirror. As she says in her About, “Your body affects how you think and feel, and how you think and feel affects your body. Learning to love and accept yourself requires working on, and healing, both ends”.

Her post is an ode to nudity, the deeply rooted explanation of what nudity can bring to any human being. As she rightly writes, “instead of seeing that breasts and bellies and thighs come in all sorts of wonderful shapes and sizes, we see only bodies that have been surgically and digitally altered to all look more or less the same”.

The human body comes into so many various shapes that we forget diversity makes beauty, not uniformity. By totally accepting our own body, nudity becomes natural again. So simple and so difficult at the same time. Difficult because society is brainwashing us to consume more, to want more, to have more.

By embracing naturism as a lifestyle, we are more, more human, more ourselves, more true. Being a naturist is not easy though, as Jessi claims, “I know some people won’t understand, and won’t approve. I know I’ll probably lose followers for this”. May be, but the people who loves you and understands you will get closer and will be even more faithful. And beyond this, you’ll embark many women and men who feel uncomfortable with their own body and who will learn from you and your experience.

Naturism is one of the best lifestyles to get back our natural lives, to accept and be accepted for who we are, not for what we claim we are. Naked, we bare our soul too. I close this post on a file quote by Jessi:

Our naked bodies are all fundamentally, inherently, and eternally right, and I challenge you to stop running from them.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live naked and Share the Naked Love!

Picture (c) Jessi Kneeland

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