Nudist idea #4: Participate in a naked run


Some years ago, the Huffington Post published a list of 5 Epic Nude Runs That Would Knock Your Socks Off. If this list is a good start, there are ton of others naked runs, as seen in the Naked Running Races 2017 blog post.

Not only running is a good exercise, naked running is even funnier! You actually do not need much gear to run naked as I described in the perfect gears to run naked. It’s therefore a great opportunity to visit a nudist resort and make new nudist friends. You can also propose the run to your fellow runners who happen not to be nudist. This is a way to make them discover nudism.

All those naked runs are generally great fun, with a festive spirit and joyful crowd. If it happens in a nudist environment, grab the occasion to spend the whole week-end. If not, like Bay to Breakers for instance, book your week-end in the closest nudist resort so you can enjoy more nude time (and drive naked to the place if you can). Note however, that naked running is highly addictive. You will have hard time to wear running shorts and shirts after having experienced naked runs. But hey, you will still be able to run naked more if you plan carefully!

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Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo By Unknown source, Public Domain


  1. I did my first nude 5K last year. It was a great experience and as a total novice I turned in a time of 43.23. Not bad for an old fart!

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