Nudist Idea #15: Drive Naked


Driving is one of the many activities you can definitely do naked. You actually do not really need any clothing to drive. You just need to understand whether it’s legal or not in your country or state of residence, as the law may not be on your side.

Actually, even if your car is a private property, you can be seen by the public and it may therefore be illegal to drive naked. In all cases, you will use a towel to sit on and wrap around your waist in case you are stopped by a police officer.
Beyond the legal aspect, driving naked is like many other activities very enjoyable. No pants, no bra, no clothes that limit your skin breathing and your movement. You are just free as a bird, and as you can regulate the temperature in the car, it’s always very comfortable, temperature-wise.

For any naturist, driving is another activity that do not require clothing and can therefore be carried naked. The question of when getting naked and when getting dressed will pop up. If you start from home, you can probably get in your car already naked. If you start from another point where nudity is not allowed, then you will undress in your car. Depending on where you go, you may have to get dressed to get out or stay naked. Common sense will prevail.

One last point. Because you will be on public grounds while driving naked, this can be seen and interpreted as exhibitionism. But in the true naturist sense, it’s not about being seen, it’s about feeling great. And this is why the towel is a requirement. Have fun and stay safe, particularly when driving.

Share your experiences and comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Erik Witsoe on Unsplash


  1. We came home from our nudist resort naked in the car once, just for the hell of it. It felt so daring! Even more fun is riding motorcycle around the resort grounds but have to wear shoes for certain.

  2. I’ve done this on a motorcycle. About 30 miles to my house with nothing but my boots on. My wife was topless. That’s the reason I was naked. I figured if she was going to be topless I could just go naked.

  3. I would love to share one of the many experiences that I have had with this specific topic. I have driven numerous times in my car 🚗 naked in public places either alone or with friends or family members who were naked. And I would like to say that I do not know if there is any laws that prohibits anybody to drive naked I’ve never been stopped I’ve actually had a police officer ask me what should I say pull over me to say to ask if I was drunk or whatever the cases are on drugs and I said no I’m just driving tool location and I decided to have naked eye practice nud them and he said that well I can’t give you a ticket but you know some places in the public places do not allow you to be nude So you could get into some trouble and I said to well I’m driving to a place that is for people who practice this lifestyle and he let me go so I’ve never been stopped or had any other problems. Just recently I drove with my mother from our house or should I say property that is in a rural community to a friend of ours who also is in this lifestyle who lives in a downtown condominium and it was a 2 hour drive and it was a beautiful day and we drove from our area on the highway and I have a convertible so the top was down and my self and my mother were completely naked with our luggage in the back seat and we duel to a friend’s apartment In downtown community we parked the car in the parking area of rebuilding downstairs and we put on our clothes in the garage and then we walked up to her Apartment we didn’t want to be walking in the apartment naked in the elevator and stuff but we did drive completely naked and it was not a probi mean I loved it it’s a big thrill on that experience that I like

  4. I have made several trips from Florida to Michigan and back naked. Pair of shorts for gas stops, otherwise fully naked. I was driving a motorhome and now a camper/van.

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