Nudist idea #20: Participate in World Naturism Day


As per the Holidays calendar, the International Nude day takes place on July 14. However, a World Naturist Day exists as well and takes place the first or last Saturday of June. Whatever the right date is, you may ask your national naturist federation about the exact date they are going to celebrate.

Because this day is generally backed up by your national naturist federation, it’s an excellent opportunity to organize legal events about naturism. For instance, organize a nude beach for a day at your local lake, or an open door at your club. Whatever the activity, it’s a day to break the ice and invite people to discover naturism and naturists.

The World Naturism Day is fun, family oriented and a day of sharing. Sharing our love for naturism, our respect for mankind and our openness. It’s a day to show people that naturism is about being free and happy with our own body, respecting others and nature, and having fun with friends and family. So if you have not yet planned anything, have a discussion with your naturist federation, and plan fun activities for this day. An excellent way to strengthen our naturist bonds and bring more people into this awesome lifestyle!

Share your experiences and comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!


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