Nudist idea #51: Work from home naked


A new year has begun, let’s make it a happy nude year! After a quick break on January 1, and before I set my nude goals for the year, let’s continue with the next 50 ideas (promised to make it 100, remember) with how to increase your nude days by working from home. If you happen to be working from home or have the opportunity to “telecommute”, no need to get dressed. On top of being really comfortable, it’s a great way to be able to put in practice the Nudist idea #16: Live entirely naked for 24 hours and potentially the Nudist idea #27: Live entirely naked for 2 full days (and 3 nights).

The beautiful thing about working naked from home is you virtually need nothing but a big smile on your face. No expensive special clothing requirement. You may need some special hardware like a computer, an broadband Internet link and a headset if you have some calls to make, and this is all! There’s even an international Working Naked Day (first Friday of Feb, second in 2018), which was founded by Lisa Karanek, owner of the site, Working Naked (renamed Home Office Life), devoted to working from home. In her own words:

Working Naked® means different things to different people. For some, it means being left naked: stripped of any support available in a corporate job, including an administrative assistant, technical staff and co-workers to help brainstorm and deal with issues.
For others, it’s about working (almost) literally naked.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re working in your birthday suit, fluffy pajamas, or a perfectly tailored suit. When you work from home, you have the freedom to set your own schedule, dress anyway you want, and work on your own terms.

I think you get the idea. Whether you are a freelancer or just work some days from home, if you share the nudist lifestyle, I encourage you to really work naked from home. It’s just the best suit ever made for you. It may feel strange at the beginning (particularly speaking over the phone with customers, colleagues or your boss), but you’ll quickly get over it and it will become one of the most natural things.

Thank you for sharing your experiences and comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash


  1. We are fortunate to home office our businesses and by doing so have the opportunity for work related nudity everyday.

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