Nudist idea #55: Play video games naked


Note I’ve not written play naked video games, since I’m not sure any exist. But it’s all about enjoying a video game, while not wearing anything. Because honestly, you do not need any clothing to play any video games.

Whether you are alone or with friends, spending a good time enjoying your gaming, drop all clothes. As all nudists know, being nude is all about being comfortable on our own skin while doing normal activities. Playing video games can be one of those activities.
As I’ve shared numerous times, very few activities really require any clothing, and mostly for security (obvious or not) reasons. For all others, when you are a nudist or an aspiring one, nudity is the best option. For all indoor activities, nudity becomes naturally the normal clothing choice. If you have any doubt, you should try it. At the beginning, it may seem weird as you are not used to be naked at home.

It will gradually become natural and normal. Up to a point, that nudity will become the new normal. There’s actually nothing more natural than being naked in your own home and doing all you have to do without wearing any type of clothing. Playing video games alone will soon be comfortable naked, and you will come to a point to invite friends to join as well, for your first naked party. I’ve posted on this topic in the Nudist idea #24: Organize a clothing-optional BBQ, and will continue sharing other activities you can do naked with your nudist and non-nudist friends. In the meantime, have fun playing games naked!

Thank you for sharing your experiences and for your comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash


  1. if playing video games naked gets boring spice it up by doing sexual things guys (men) finger, lick, fuck a woman’s labia, vagina, vulva while she jerks off and/or sucks off his erect (hard) cock, dick, penis

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