Nudist idea #61: Prepare and have your breakfast naked


Home activities are better done naked. It’s a fact for nudists and home nudists. If you sleep naked, which I encourage you to do for the many benefits it has, you can start your day naked by preparing and having your breakfast naked.

My morning routine always starts by having a squeezed lemon and some water at room temperature. Then, it’s time to prepare the breakfast for the family. I’m the breakfast chef! And I always do it naked. Of course, when frying, you can wear an apron for security reasons, but this would be the only piece of clothing required. Then you’re on your way to cook the best breakfast ever.

Naked breakfast has some benefits and some drawbacks as listed in this funny post. But the best benefit is you are just naked and relaxed. You can have breakfast in bed also, and nudity is in this case very obvious. In case you’re having your breakfast in your dining room, on your terrace or in your kitchen, do not forget your towel to sit on. And enjoy this wonderful freedom of another activity you can practiced socially or alone in your birthday suit.

Are you preparing your breakfast naked ? How do you feel doing it naked? We would love to hear about your experience in the comment section below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash


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