As Wikipedia states, body painting is a for of body art that is temporary, as a main difference from tattooing. Body painting used to be indigenous, and we think to war painting of the native Americans for instance. Now, it has become more peaceful.
You will find body painting festivals. There are some famous in Austria, Australia, Italy, New York, Florida and Missouri, just to name a few. You will find body painting during world naked bike rides. And you may find body painting during local events of your nudist club. Painting can be limited or full body. It can also be a way to look clothed though completely naked, as we have seen some experiments where women were walking down the streets only body painted without being noticed as being naked.

There are also some fine arts that use the body as a canvas for installation for instance. There has even be an edition of Sports Illustrated that used only body painting to figure swimsuits that were actually painted on the model, like in the picture on the right ((c) Sports Illustrated). Quite stunning pictures. In all the cases, body painting is great fun and a nice way to spend more time in the nude.
Have you participated in a body painting event? How was the experience? We would love to hear about your experience in the comment section below.
Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!
Photo by Raul Lanus – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0
A VERY good suggestion! Naked hugs!
[…] Nudist idea #64: Participate in a body painting event […]