Nudist idea #74: Move to a clothing optional gated community


You want to get naked more often, if not all day long? Then move to a clothing optional gated community. There are a few around the world, mainly in the US, France and Spain.

Image result for clothing optional gated communityYou can live in Florida naked all-year long for instance, where many naked communities exist. Same goes in the South of France or in Spain. If you have a job that allows it (or do not need to work to live), and long for being naked all-year long, take the plunge, and buy or rent your naked home!
The obvious benefit is to be naked all-day long (if temperature allows it of course, although you will get used to chillier temperature over time). Not only naked at home, but naked outside your home: while shopping or dining if such facilities exist inside the community, while practicing your favorite sport and while walking the dog.

Buying Naked TLC logo.pngThere used to be a reality show in the US titled Buying Naked, It was following a real estate agent and nudists in search of a home in clothing optional communities. Although it lasted only one season, it gives a glimpse of nudist communities and living in the nude. If you watch some episodes, you will realize that living naked is not living in an RV or a trailer but can be luxurious. So if the idea of living naked all year long comes to your mind, why not moving?

Are you living in a naked gated community? How is it? We would love to hear about your experiences with it in the comment section below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love !

Photo by Gerbil – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0


  1. I’ve lived in a nudist community now for more than a year. Palm Springs CA weather is conducive to full time nude living. The resort has 59 condos and a hotel. So it’s always busy and in addition to owners many hotel guests who visit often. A wonderful life.

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