Nudist idea #75: Make your home a nudist haven


If you are already naked at home, you are one step forward to make your home a nudist haven. But what do I really mean by making your home a nudist haven.

Well here are a couple of ideas. In some countries you can be sued if your neighbors can see you naked inside your home. The first step is ensuring either your neighbors know and accept you are naked at home or to ensure they cannot see you while you’re naked. I would really recommend the first solution, as when we are dealing with the garden, if you have one, it will become much easier. First step cleared!

The second step is to ensure the same in your garden if you have one. One particularly problematic point is to ensure nobody passing by that you do not know can see you. This may require some fencing, natural if possible to obscure visibility from public area. In some countries or states, it will not be problematic and if you are a seasoned nudist, you will not give a damn if people see you naked. Second step cleared!

nudist_door_sign.jpgThe third and final step, in my opinion, is to display at the entrance of your home that this is a nudist friendly place and that nude people can be seen. If unannounced, accept to see naked people. As simple as this, so people are aware that your place is a nudist place and they may see you and others in your birthday suit. Third step cleared!
Of course, you can had many other features to your home, like the following ideas:

The whole idea is to make you home a nudist place and celebrate the human body as much as possible. Is your home a nudist haven? Share your experience and ideas to make the world a better nudist one.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash


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