Nudist idea #84: Code naked


Do you like to write code for your computer, tablet or smartphone? Are a you a professional coder? Have you ever sat in front of your computer in your birthday suit? If not, try it, it’s one of those places and one of those activities that do not require clothes.

Image result for write code naked
Writing code requires some knowledge of course and being focused to avoid bugs. However, since it’s generally a lonely activity, it’s one you can practice at home entirely naked, without nobody else knowing. Because nudity is so comfortable when you are used to be naked while doing normal life activities, it will allow to get more relaxed and focused. As many other computer based activities, coding does not require any clothing, just brain power, so as the T-shirt shows on the left hand-side, get naked and write code!

Of course, you will say but what if I do not know how to code, am I losing an opportunity to get naked? First, never lose an occasion to get naked. If you can, just drop your clothes! Second, either learn to code if you want to develop an app, or just browse the web on your computer to learn more about coding. It’s a fun activity that will allow you to get more comfortable in your own skin. Nudism is normal, natural and healthy. Just give it a try in your daily activities, there are chances you will not regret it and it will soon become your lifestyle.

Are you coding naked? How do you feel? Share your comments and experience below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


  1. I love to code naked. As you say it’s one activity that definitely doesn’t need clothes. The only time I need to put on a top is when video conferencing!

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