Nudist idea #89: Play a game of snooker, naked


If your nudist club has a bar, there are chances it has a table of snooker. What a better way to make new nudist friends that to propose to others at the bar to share a game. Not only you will have a good time, but there are high chances that you will make new friends.

Like board games and many activities not requiring special equipment, snooker is most enjoyable naked. No clothes are in the middle of your moves, while hitting the balls on the table. Even when you are not a seasoned player, snooker is fun and often leads to good laughs. It’s a wonderful way to share a drink with friends and have a relaxing time.
Depending on the country, you may play with different set of balls and rules. You may also want to ensure at the beginning you play with the same rules, otherwise you may be surprised by a move that makes you lose without realizing it. Playing snooker is a great introduction to a naked shared barbecue, as people get to know each other and may decide to spend more time together.

Do you play snooker naked? How did you feel about it? Tell us about your experience in the comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Dan Burton on Unsplash


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