Nudist idea #92: Learn something new naked


Nudity is comfortable. It puts your mind in the best relaxed possible state. It’s therefore the best opportunity to learn something new. Either through a MOOC, online, or just by practicing something the good old way.

You can learn to play the piano, to practice yoga or to cook in your birthday suit. It requires learning and practicing. If you have a coach, ask him/her if you can be naked, as you are a nudist and prefer nude activities. If you learn alone, just get naked and start learning! I find so much comfort in nudity that it helps me remembering information and action better. As many other activities not requiring special equipment, your naked body will soon become the norm.

Whether in front of a computer, sitting on a couch or flipping through the pages of a notebook, just shed all your clothes, pour you a cuppa and enjoy the moment. Not only it’s a pleasure to learn new skills, it’s highly profitable on the long term and gratifying. There are so many things to learn during our lifetime that it’s much better to get comfortable in our skin.

Have you learned something new naked? How was it? Tell us about your experience in the comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by form PxHere


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