Nudist idea #96: Go to hot spring pools


Beyond nude beaches, hot spring pools are places where nudity is generally accepted if not encouraged. It has some skinny-dipping flavor to it. It’s a great way to spend some time naked with others, encourage social nudity and break the ice to discuss naturism.

You find hot spring pools in many countries around the world. In most, nudity is tolerated if not encouraged. Some are easily reachable, others require some good hiking shoes. Depending on the location and time of the year, you can even think of coupling your trip with a naked hike. Shed your clothes on the parking lot, hike naked to the pool, enjoy the day there and come back naked.

This could be a full naked day in nature!

One of the cool things with hot spring pools is that, since nudity is accepted, you can go with non-nudist who will enjoy their naked time there. This becomes therefore a great moment to open up about nudism, share the comfort of nudity and invite them to join them to your next club week-end. Just like a beach cleaning event, you can leverage your time into recruitment time, and enjoy more friends joining the lifestyle, as the world needs more nudists!

Have you gone to hot spring pools? How was it? Tell us about your experience in the comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Robson Hatsukami Morgan on Unsplash


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