The Four Seasons of Naturism – Autumn


Autumn: third season of the year and third article in this series devoted to the seasons of naturism, after spring and summer. Autumn is the season when temperatures decrease, days shorten, and nature prepares to return to winter sleep. If with the decrease in temperatures, the naturist tends to wear some clothes, there are still beautiful opportunities to continue living and sharing your naturism.

Nude at home

If the temperatures decrease on the outside sometimes making nudity difficult to bear, the interior does not undergo such variations. Nudity continues including inside our homes.

Of course, a bathrobe or dressing gown can be a pleasant addition for the fresh morning or evening temperatures. Generally, the sensation of cold also comes from the extremities and wearing a pair of warm slippers sometimes allows to wear nothing else, while being perfectly comfortable.

Getting used to the cold

Living naked allows, among other things, to find lost sensations and to get used to the differences of temperature. If the comfortable temperatures when nude are generally higher than seventy degrees Farenheit, it is possible to stay naked even at lower temperatures without experiencing the cold.

By exposing its body to cooler temperatures, it is gradually used to withstand the cold. It is then possible to remain Naked·e Outside, even when temperatures fall well below 70 degrees. If the sun is pointing the tip of its nose, even in autumn, you’ll find even higher comfort than in the middle of summer, when it is a little too hot.

Enjoy the beautiful days

You have to take advantage of Fall and what it brings us, to continue to live naked. Picking mushrooms, walking in the countryside, preparing your garden for the winter, harvesting the last fruits and vegetables, are some activities you can do as soon as the sun shines, or the temperatures are conducive.

In the south, it is also possible to enjoy the beaches, sometimes until November. Enough to maintain its full tan and take a good dose of vitamin D before winter.

If you can, it is also possible to go and enjoy the mild temperatures in the south of Europe, the crowd in less. There are many places in Spain, Greece, Crete or In Croatia, or even in Italy or France, where the temperatures and the naturist structures allow the practice of naturism Sometimes at the end of the fall.

DIY, cooking and everyday life

Enjoy the rainy days to maintain what needs to be in the house. It’s a good time to tinker and prepare the house for the winter with repairs and insulation for example.

It’s also a great time to spend a little more time in the kitchen to prepare canned veggies qnd fruits; and jams. Not only will you be warm, but you’ll be storing healthy products that will remind you of the summer. You’ll find more activities idea in my post 101 activities you can do naked.

And then life goes on. As I said at the beginning, a bathrobe or dressing gown is the only garment you can wear in the fall. You can tie the belt if you are cold, leave it open as soon as you are more comfortable and leave it on the back of a chair, as soon as your body is accustomed to room temperature.

The autumn naturist wardrobe

A bathrobe and a pair of slippers and you are ready for the autumn and winter that will arrive, for the interior. For outdoor, a good pair of hot shoes and a waterproof fleece jacket are usually enough, that one can complement with a Bermuda short in case of slightly more biting cold.

However, the fleece jacket, like the bathrobe, can be opened or left aside as soon as you feel comfortable with the ambient temperature. If it is a little long, it will usually not be necessary to wear Bermuda shorts, skirt or trousers. We will quickly find welcome nudity to enjoy the still mild temperatures.

In short, the autumn brings its lot of joys which it is quite possible to continue to enjoy in the outfit of Adam and Eve. A little clothing organization allows facing the first frost of autumn while seizing all the opportunities to get and stay naked.

I wish you all an excellent naturist fall!

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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