Naturist Thought #53 – Heatwave


With global warming, it’s predicted we will have more extreme meteorological moments, like heatwaves. Warm weather is a blessing for naturists as nudity is more than welcome when the weather is hot. With heatwaves coming more frequently, nudity may become more natural for lots of people.

Of course, we may not wish those heatwaves to be too extreme and that our climate can go back to more a balanced one. However, those heatwaves offer us the right opportunity to evangelize naturism. Share with people around you that they should get naked during those heatwaves. You can stay naked for many days, sleep naked, do your daily chores naked and enjoy full nudity all day long.

Because of the temperatures, even non-nudists will find nudity enjoyable. They won’t need to wear sweaty clothes and will appreciate a slight breeze on their naked skin. Let’s use summer and those heatwaves to educate more people about the many benefits of naturism!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by form PxHere


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