Naturist Thought #61 – Voyeurism


Voyeurism is a touchy topic among naturists. Am I a voyeur if I enjoy being with other naked people and seeing them naked, while I am myself naked? No! Voyeurism is clearly defined as “the derivation of sexual satisfaction by watching people secretly, especially when those being watched are undressed or engaging in sexual activity.”

In voyeurism there’s a clear definition of sexual satisfaction. The fact of being naked with other naked people does not make you a voyeur. Am I a pervert if I find attractive another person, clothed or naked? Of course not. We all find some people pleasant to watch. Being naked does not, should not, change anything to this.

Now, a clothed person on a naked beach staring at naked beachgoers may definitely be a voyeur and requires a serious and firm explanation. Now, I do not want to sound angelic, there are voyeurs in the naturist community. Because they are naked, they tend to be spotted more easily and be excluded or exclude themselves. Like any community, it requires some policing and it better be done by its members.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Hauke Irrgang on Unsplash


  1. I love being stared at when I am nude when I became a nudist I asked someone who found out for me where I can be nude among people and be seen I love to be seen and be stared at it’s my personal preference I love it

  2. The creation of this website is awesome as well as the creator I love this website it’s amazing all these ideas where to be nude

  3. As a relatively new nudist (just a little over a year), this is something I’ve wondered about and you really clarified it for me. Of course I check out my fellow nudists but no more so than if it were a clothed person I was attracted to. Staring at a woman’s breasts or bottom is rude whether or not they are dressed. I find I actually look less when I’m around nudists because I’m conscious of not wanting to be perceived as a voyeur. I’ve become very comfortable falling into conversation and not even thinking about the fact that the people I’m talking to our nude. We are just enjoying nature and pleasant conversation together!

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