If by the time you read this post you are not convinced the COVID-19, a.k.a. coronavirus, is a dangerous thing, well stop reading this article and go read the papers and view the videos on the WHO site. This virus is changing the world has we know it and it may doing so even when humanity has contained and reversed the virus threat. Like any other human beings, nudists and naturists can play a role in stopping the spread of the virus, while remaining naked and continuing promoting our lifestyle.
Reminder from WHO: The best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is by frequently cleaning your hands.

You will find all necessary information how to protect yourself and others from catching the virus on the WHO site. Go to it and spend some time reading all the important information that you will find to know and understand what to do.
From a nudism perspective, if you’re confined at home, stay naked. If you have a garden, you can enjoy soaking in the sun or doing a walk, even in nature, as long as you stay 6-foot away for any other people you may encounter, as current scientific knowledge shows that transmission is done by direct contact or immediate proximity of contaminated people, not by breathing air outside or in nature. This remains true in your nudist park. All the advice provided by the WHO applies to everybody, nudist included, but this should not stop us enjoying our birthday suit when possible.
In all cases, you can still continue spreading the positive benefits of nudism and naturism through social medias and the web. We, naturists, know the many health benefits of naturism, including the ones derived from the controlled exposure to direct sunlight (boosting vitamin D creation) and fresh air (boosting immune system). Those difficult times should remind us how life can be fragile and lead us to promote healthy lifestyles like naturism. Stay safe and naked!
Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!
Photo by Andrey Zvyagintsev on Unsplash
Great Post! And well need during this time! My girlfriend has a nice backyard and can still live her nudist lifestyle. These are great points you in here!
That’s the only way for that moment being naked and not to stop our freedom