There was a time, having a coffee with a good friend was a normal activity, whether at the coffee shop or at home. Unfortunately, it may no longer be possible for the near future, neither at the coffee shop, nor at home and not at your naturist club. So, shall we forget it completely? Fortunately technology allows us to talk and see our friends whenever we and they are available. So having a coffee over a video call is a possibility you can consider. Another activity that can be done in the nude!
Setup technology
Whether you have a personal computer, a smartphone or a tablet, there are chances you have all that is required to carry video calls. Apple devices come all with FaceTime that allow video calls with other Apple users. WhatsApp, from Facebook, allow video calls on any device, and Skype is very popular too. Specialized applications, like Zoom, Teams or Hangout, can do the trick too, while allowing multiple people around the same virtual tool.
You may not have used any of those, and you may want to get used to it before stepping into organizing a video get together. Find a good friend and try together. One of the main ideas is to keep it really simple. Most of the tools I cited before, and probably one that comes by default with your device, like FaceTime, or one very popular, like WhatsApp, Skype or Hangout, will be a good start. Try to call each other and see what you can learn from this experience.

An other piece of equipment you may want is a headset and a mike. You AirPods or any wired or wireless phone headset will generally work and it’s a great addition to avoid echo or fainted voices. I prefer a wireless headset so I can move more freely. The caveat is you have to charge it before the call. There are other very comfortable headset with noise cancelling features that can be used too. It all depends with what you have available. This is why I advise you to start with what you have.
Setup the space
When having a coffee, comfort is important. You may want to use your couch or your dining table, your terrace or your kitchen. Wherever the space, you need to love sitting there. Make it visually appealing with you and your guest. Add a pot of biscuit or some flowers. Make sure you get all that you need for the call to happen smoothly. Can you plug your computer, tablet or phone so you do run out of juice? Are your headset fully charged? Is the lighting correct?
Of course, you are not on a TV set, but a beautiful place makes complete sense and soothes the soul. Think well about the light. If it comes from behind you, you may appear dark, so you may need another piece of lighting to brighten your face. And don’t forget the towel you’ll be sitting on. The essential item for any naturist.

The key aspect of your coffee space is its comfort. You need to be comfortable to have your coffee and speak with your guests. Another important point is the place you are going to set your device. I do not recommend you keep it in your hand, even if it’s a phone. Have it sit somewhere stable with an angle that allows you to show at least your face, at best the whole set. By not holding the device, you’ll be free to move and to grab your cuppa without hindrance.
Have fun
All is set? Technology works? Space if comfy and beautiful? What’s next? Well, get naked if you are not already, go and make a good pot of coffee, and call your friend. Oops! Did you tell him/her/them it was a nude video call? Well, of course, since you are a naturist. No? It’s never too late. You can start the conversation with the camera off and by audio inform him/her/them you are naked, not for you to show them your body, but because you are a naturist and are feeling more comfortable this way. There are very good chances, they won’t care at all. Then turn the camera on.
But wait. What the purpose of being naked then? Well, like any naturist activities, being naked is not the end, it’s a means to an end, and the end is comfort. I’m naked for social and personal activities because I’m feeling comfortable and at ease while being naked. It’s who I am. I’m not naked to show off my great body (which I don’t have) or for sexual arousal. I’m naked because I’m a naturist and I feel good naked. No purpose, just comfort.

Beyond those considerations, just have fun, chat about your preferred topics, your current life, the tips and tricks for a fun locked down life and your feeling about the period. Psychologists all around the world are advising people to keep social contacts alive. It’s primordial for our mental well-being. Having video calls is a great way to keep this contact alive and having them naked is a testament to our lifestyle.
Share your experiences and comments. We love to hear them and it helps create this community of like-minded individuals, who see naturism as the most wonderful lifestyle that exists.
Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!
Photo by Taylor Franz, Lauren Mancke, Yucel Moran, and Gemma Chua-Tran on Unsplash