Lot of people are having a journal about the lock down or are posting updates on how they live through the lock down. If you have the same idea, why not talking about your passions and how they help you live through those difficult days? If you passion is naturism and nude living, as is one of mines, then go for it, start your naturist blog, vlog or journal. Tell the world how naturism and being naked helps your daily life. Don’t know where to start? No worries, the below steps will help you.
Choose your topic
What do you want to talk about? How you have organized your life around naturism? What you are doing on a daily basis to live naked? How are your naked hikes? Your week-ends at your local naturist club? How you became a naturist? Whatever the topic, it has to come from you.

There is no good or bad topic. We tend to underestimate the topics we want to write about. We think it will interest only us or a small group of afficionados. It’s sometimes true it takes time to find your tribe, but it is out there, waiting to read what you have to write about. If you’re not sure, go to the Links page. Browse the internet for those sites dedicated to naturism. There will be one for sure which will inspire you and get started.
Choose the platform
Choosing the platform can be a tough choice. There are so many of them, it may be difficult. The following list does not reflect all of the choices, but some that are easy to setup and costs nothing to start with.
- WordPress.com. Automaticc, the mother ship of WordPress, claims that 36% of the web is built on WordPress, which is an impressive achievement. The beauty of WordPress lies in the fact that it’s free, it’s highly customizable and it’s really easy to start with. You create a WordPress account and you get your website in a matter of minutes. You can add features, customize with predefined themes and monetize your sites with just a couple of clicks and no IT knowledge. Nude and Happy started this way seven years ago. It’s important to understand that WordPress.com is different from WordPress.org! Although WordPress.org is also free and more flexible that the its .com brother, it requires more IT knowledge and will cost in terms of domain and hosting.
- Wix. Wix has been one of the new incumbents in web site design that offers the capabilities to create really beautiful web sites and blogs with just a couple of clicks. Starting with a free offering, it’s a viable alternative to WordPress. If you are more of a creative mind or want to share beautiful picture, I would highly recommend Wix over WordPress.
- Medium. Medium is not a weblog creating platform, it’s a knowledge sharing platform. It’s like a super newspaper gathering all possible topics, curated. With dozens of millions of readers, you can already get a captive audience. The catch is you have to deliver a “high editorial standard”. However, if you know how to write well, Medium can be your choice.
There are dozens of other platforms that you can find on the web, and a another way to start blogging is to write for other blogs as a guest writer. It may help to find your voice and your readership, without spending time on setting up your own platform. But if you like sharing, one day, you will create your own blog. So why not try to start today? Pick one and go for it!
Start creating your first posts
Ok, you’re all set. You’ve created your account, your platform and you are not sitting in front of a blank page. You may be wondering what will be the topic of your first post. Don’t look further than yourself. You are a naturist and want to share your experience as a naturist? Great, write about how you came to naturism. You are not yet a naturist and are exploring the world of naturism? Great, write about your questions and the answers you have found.
There are no good or wrong topics. There are no good or wrong bloggers. There’s only those who deliver and those who don’t. You may not find your voice, your style and your direction with your first post, or your first ten posts. But it will come. The most important is to start!
A few tips to start:
- I always write naked. Hey, I’m a naturist and I write about naturism, it seems natural to be naked to write about nudism. At least it is to me. Get naked, it may inspire you.
- I keep a list of topics I want to write about. I have a list on my phone that I update regularly, with Microsoft To-Do. It syncs with my PC so I can get my ideas everywhere.
- I subscribe to other bloggers and naturist magazines. I read a lot, about naturism and other topics as well. But reading about naturism sparks new ideas and infuse new posts.
- I follow influencers on Twitter, as it remains the most nudist friendly social network. People like Nick & Lins, Donna Price, Ted Bun, Blonde Girafe are great inspirations
You may have your own tips and ideas. I know your first post is just there at the tip of your fingers, ready to be written and read.
Commit to regularity
Once you start, don’t stop! Post regularly! The best way to commit to regularity I found, that works for me, is the following;
- Maintain an editorial calendar. You list all the ideas you have and assign a date.
- Write everyday. Even if you do not post every day, write a little every day. If, for instance, you intend to post every week, search, write, and edit a few minutes a day, so you are ready on D-day.
- Plan your writing time in your calendar. I put a writing slot in my calendar every morning and spend that time working on the blog. Sometimes, it’s not writing, it’s maintenance, but it’s every day (and if you ask, yes Sunday included, but this is because I love it).
Posting regularly will allow you to find your audience. I did not build my readership and my followership over night. It takes time and consistency, but you’ll be rewarded by the people you’ll meet, the comments you’ll receive, and…, icing on the cake, the money you can make when you monetize your blog, but this is another topic.
So, while you are locked down, naked (I hope) at home, start your own naturist blog. Share with the world your experiences as a naturist so others can benefit from them, meet new friends and expand your horizon. Who knows where it will lead you!
Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!
Photos Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels, Bill Jelen, Ilya Pavlov, K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash
Another one is blogger. Com. I heard about this one last time I was going through the blog and it looks great on your blog posts.
Yes Christopher, I thought about mentioning it. It’s less open (in terms of extensions) than WordPress or Wix though, and I wanted to keep the post easy and short.