Interview of Donna & John, from England


We cross the Atlantic, after meeting Kim and Thurston, to the United Kingdom and more precisely England, where we meet Donna and John.

Donna and John, thank you very much for having accepted to be featured on this series of naturist couples interviews. let’s go right to naturism, was there a first naturist who introduced the other to naturism?

No, we were not naturist before we met, but decided to explore it as a couple.

How did your discovery of naturism happen?

It happened by accident. We came across a naturist beach on holiday by chance, as John has never liked wearing clothes, we decided to try it.

What was your reaction, Donna, when John suggest you tried the beach naked?

I agreed reasonably readily, as the beach was pretty deserted at the time.

Currently, do any of you happen to practice naturism without your significant other?

Never, we always practice together.

When you’re together, where do you practice naturism?

At home, at friends, in naturist centers, on naturist beaches and in nature.

Are there naturist practices one does and the other does not?


What effect(s) has naturism on your relationship?

Not sure it has had any tangible effects on our relationship, other than we both feel more comfortable and relaxed naked – providing it is warm enough!

Has the lock down had any effect of your naturism practice?

Yes, the major effect has been not going to events, visiting naturist friends and having naturist friends to stay.

Are you sharing that you are naturists with your friends and families?


And what is their reaction?

Most reactions are indifference, some amusement, some bewilderment.

Would you advise naturists to be open with their naturism to others?

Yes. Telling people is a way of normalising naturism, you also may find out that others are naturists too, but they just haven’t told anyone. We feel it is something that needs to be talked about.

What benefits do you see and experience in naturism as a couple?

Improved confidence, improved sense of well-being and mental health, lots of new friends to socialise with.

What advice would you give to other couples whose only one member, or none, is a naturist?

Personally, I think everyone should try it once before claiming it isn’t for them. Most who do try it are amazed at how wonderfully liberating it is and it is often something that people say they wished they had tried years before.

Thank you so much for your time, Donna and John, do you have any final comments to add about living naturism as a couple?

Social nudity is one of the most relaxing and rewarding lifestyles we have ever experienced.

Donna and John have been kind enough to share some pictures with our readers.

Thank you very much Donna and John to have shared your naturist life and thoughts, and agreed to be featured on Nude and Happy. I wish you a wonderful naturist future and I hope this has helped readers to better understand how naturism can be beneficial to couples.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!


  1. What a lovely article your such natural naturists iam a naturest and my my wife is getting pretty at ease with it now as well , we are from southern ireland but living in Ontario canada since 1995 , I injoy keeping track of you on Twitter all the best for Eugene

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