Should I share with my friends and family that I am a nudist?


Naturism is misunderstood by many textiles. Periodically, the media confuse it with swinging. Naturists are then seen as perverts that only sex and hedonistic pleasure drive. Yet naturists know it’s not the case. Naturists are no more perverse than textiles. It is with naturists like any other person. Demystifying naturism is what drives this site, as well as the magazines devoted to it and the many naturist associations.

Then comes the choice to live according to your principles. Without proselytizing or shouting naturism from the rooftops, living in accordance with one’s tastes and what makes us happy seems essential. The question of the congruence between what we are and what others perceive of us is central to happiness and personal balance. So, should we tell everyone that we are naturists, without risking negative repercussions? This is what this article will attempt to do. Live your naturism openly for a good life.

What is naturism?

If naturism is not more widely accepted, it is above all because of its assimilation with sexuality and because nudity should be limited to the privacy of one’s bathroom and romantic relationships. Society codified it and integrated it into the societal software. It is important to re-specify the definition of naturism as defined by the International Naturist Federation.

Naturism a way of life in harmony with nature characterised by the practice of communal nudity with the intention of encouraging self-respect, respect for others and for the environment.

Seen like this, naturism can give the impression of a hippie or neo-rural activity. It limits naturism to its component linked to nature. But what to do with urban naturists? Of those who like simple communal nudity without being particularly attracted by nature? Naturism is not limited to a life in harmony with nature, although for questions of climate change we must undoubtedly have to get closer to it, but that is another question.

We often talk about the difference between nudists and naturists. I don’t. You can be a lonely naturist and a social nudist. Again, a matter of unnecessary and reductive labels. On the other hand, what nudism and naturism have in common is the comfort of nudity. A nudist, like a naturist, is someone who is comfortable with their own nudity and that of others. He or she has learned to separate this nudity from his or her own sexuality. I am naked for what is comfortable and in no way ashamed. It is this notion that should be borne in mind and be prepared to explain. I develop it in the article, The incredible comfort of nudity.

No shame, no deviance, no quirk. Naturism is natural, normal and healthy. Both physically and psychologically.

The truth, the whole truth

Not all truths are good to say. Some people are not ready to hear them! Yet living in alignment with your values ​​is one of the keys to happiness. Should we shout them from the rooftops? It’s all about personal balance and how you relate to others. Obviously, some people who you tell that you are a naturist will not understand it. For them, nudity is taboo and private. Exposing it is a perversion. It is impossible to convince them otherwise.

However, in most cases, other people don’t care. Either they will be indifferent without understanding it, or they will be indifferent to it while understanding your position. They may also be regular or occasional naturist. This will simplify your relations, since naturism will be shared and accepted.

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Whether the other accepts, understands, doesn’t accept or doesn’t understand, it shouldn’t influence your lifestyle. Easier to say or write than done, you might say. Especially if you live with that other person. It’s all about respect and time. Someone who accepts and understands, however, may not be comfortable with your nudity. It’s up to you to decide by discussing about it. Sometimes you have to explain and take your time.

How to talk about it? Of course, without provoking. A naturist magazine lying around, a book on naturism in a library are excellent ice breakers. A day at the beach is an opportunity to choose a naturist beach. If you have a garden, you can share that you are often naked there. To put it simply, when you feel that nudity is an option (swimming pool, beach, garden, hiking…), share and be ready to respectfully defend your naturism.

Much ado about nothing

The point is, like in Shakespeare’s eponymous play, there is often not enough to make a big deal out of it, and yet it all gets made up in our head. Being a naturist is completely normal. For more on this, see the article, I love being naked. Am I normal? Many people will not stand to see you naked, but will easily support the idea that you can be and therefore that you are a naturist.

Being a naturist does not mean living permanently naked and imposing one’s nudity in all circumstances. Respect is a two-way street, and it may be necessary to respect the point of view of others, while also sometimes asking to respect your own. For example, you can declare that in your garden, on sunny days, you will be naked and invite all those who wish to be too. However, you can respect a friend’s or family member’s request to be dressed when you swim in their pool.

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The previous example shouldn’t stop you from trying to convince that friend or family member that nudity is natural and normal and that you would greatly appreciate it if you could swim and relax naked. While there are, unfortunately, many stigmas attached to naturism, naturists are normal people who see nudity outside of all sexuality.

To conclude this article, it is important to live in harmony with yourself and with others. We will not cure human stupidity and confusion in people’s heads, nor their ability to sometimes harm. But in the vast majority, at least in countries where naturism is accepted, talking about one’s naturism is a perfectly normal thing. No need to trumpet it from the rooftops, but it is important to experience it openly and freely. Naturism is undoubtedly the lifestyle most in harmony with our environment and a healthy and simple life.

Strip Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photos Kate Kalvach on Unsplash, and PxHere


  1. There is no difference between being a naturist and nudist ( personally I prefer the word naturist ) most of my family and friends know I am a naturist, but that doesn’t bother me. I have a naturist beach only 2 miles from where I live

  2. I’m only a nudist atm – just in the garden. (we’re not overlooked anyway) My wife is not up for it though. My nearest and dearest know and a few others. What surprised me is that the few other friends (one married couple, a married lady and a widower mate) admitted to me that they strip off in the garden.

    • Thank you John for your message. My 2 cents is to book a weekend in a nearby naturist center with your significant other. Spend the weekend relaxing in the nude. It may change her perception for ever.

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