How to behave on a nudist beach?


The answer to the question posed in the title is simple: just like on any beach! Why are we going to the beach? For swimming, walking, resting, sunbathing, building sandcastles… The same is true on a textile beach as on a nudist one. The difference is the absence of those few inches of fabric called swimsuits. Nudity does not change anything, in any case, it should not change the behavior of beachgoers. So for those wondering what happens on a nudist beach where everyone is naked, the answer is: nothing different from a textile beach. Here are some elements to appreciate the context and to dispel a number of myths.

Naturist or Textile

The beach. Place of relaxation par excellence. You come alone or with your family to enjoy the sea, lake or river, and the sun. For a naturist, the beach is synonymous with nudity. The swimsuit is an incongruity on which you will find my opinion in an article calling for you to get rid of it. Unfortunately for naturists, not all beaches are nudist ones and wearing a swimsuit, even ridiculously small, is the only way to get there. Never mind, because apart from this piece of fabric, there is no difference between a textile beach and a naturist beach.

There are also single people, families, young, old, fat, thin, short, etc. the whole representation of human diversity. You can also be confronted with rude or noisy people. However, by going to a naturist beach, you will not notice any difference with a textile beach, apart from the nudity more or less well respected elsewhere.

Grass Beside the Sea

This absence of difference must be of concern. It should make people aware that a naturist beach is not an open-air swinging club, a meeting place for sexual predators or a horror that should be hidden from the eyes of so-called normal people. A naturist beach is a beach, like all the others!

Simple nudity

A naturist beach being a beach like any other, what makes it naturist is the tolerance for simple communal nudity. In short, users of this beach are allowed to get naked. In fact, it goes further than being allowed to get naked. It is customary for them to strip naked if they frequent the naturist beach. Going to a nudist beach and keeping your swimsuits on is not only a total disrespect, but also creates a suspicion of voyeurism. Why come to a naturist beach to keep your swimsuit?

The first rule is to get naked. A swimsuit bottom is however accepted/tolerated for ladies. Women have a recurring event that should not prevent them from coming to a naturist beach. For those wondering what we are talking about, it is their period, an intimate event that can lead to leaks, the sight of the tampon string or simply the need to wear a sanitary pad.

Topless Woman Lying on Water

Simple nudity is therefore not a possibility, but a quasi-obligation. If you do not want to get naked, please return to the textile beach; otherwise you will be gently but firmly expelled by the naturist population. The other rule is not to stare at other naturists. It’s not about staring at their feet all the time, but not about staring at another person to the point of making them uncomfortable or only interested in their sexual attributes. Naturism and voyeurism are mutually exclusive.

Naturists look each other in the eyes and smile at each other. It’s as simple as that. Finally, last essential point, being naked is not an implicit authorization to have a sexual attitude. We do not masturbate, we do not perform oral sex, and we do not have sex in full view of other beach users. If nudity turns you on sexually, don’t come or go home to relieve the pressure. Naturism is a family art of living in which sexuality in public has no place.

NoteNaturists are not asexual beings. Naturists are normal men and women who may enjoy having sex. It is the same with naturists as with all other human beings. However, being naked in public is not a license for exhibitionism, voyeurism or group sex. Everyone is free to experience their sexuality as they see fit, provided they understand that the consent of others should be the basic rule and a naturist does not give their consent to witness sexual acts in public.

Protecting the values ​​of naturism

Openly exhibitionist behavior on naturist beaches has direct negative effects on naturism and its spaces. They give reasons to people who oppose naturism, they divert certain beginners from naturism, in particular women and families who feel unease, or even who are sometimes directly threatened, they sometimes close naturist spaces.

Naturism is imbued with respect for oneself, others and the environment. It is the same on a naturist beach, or in any case this respect is expected by its users. This is the reason I wrote at the beginning of this article that there is no difference between a naturist beach and a textile beach, apart from the simple nudity. By going to a naturist beach, you are de facto a naturist and any behavior can be interpreted as being naturist.

multicolored heart wallpaper

On a nudist beach, you strip down and enjoy the moment while respecting yourself, others and the environment. Respecting others means not staring at them, not imposing inappropriate or rude behavior on them, being polite and benevolent, and respecting nudity. Respecting the environment means taking your waste (including cigarette butts if you are a smoker) and leaving the place spotless.

And when a person does not respect these simple precepts, going and discussing with them with kindness and reminding them of the values ​​of naturism are essential actions. It sounds simple, but sometimes it is difficult. This should not stop us if we want more naturist spaces and ensure that naturism develops and is more accepted. Naturism is a magnificent art of living. Nothing is ever earned or owed.

Strip naked, stay naked, live naked and share the naked love!

Photo Pedro Lastra, Renee Fisher on UnsplashMelanie Wupperman, Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels


  1. Thanks. 🙂 I think these kind of rules, ideals, expectations, and boundaries are helpful and often needed. I saw these rules posted once… Don’t draw attention to yourself. Don’t draw attention to others. There are people on this beach who are anxious, give them the space to have the best experience ever.

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