6 Ideas For A Fantastic Naked Year 2021!


Thank you, dear reader, for spending a few minutes on this site devoted to naturism, nudism and shared nudity! Thank you for leaving a trace by commenting on the articles! Thank you for sharing your readings with your friends and acquaintances! Thank you for spreading the message of naturism! Thank you for making 2021 a bare year! Thank you for reading Nude and Happy!

After a tiring and bizarre year 2020, I wish you a happy, beautiful and naked year. While many wish to quickly forget 2020, it has also enabled some to discover the joy of living naked at home, through remote working, and thus contributed to expanding the naturist population. It made people discover remote encounters with digital means, allowing them to share their naturism in the comfort of their home. It has enabled many people to understand our fragility and that of our planet, and, therefore, to take a different look at it. 2020 will undoubtedly be a radical turning point of this century.

I don’t know what will be made of this year 2021. It will certainly be the year of the vaccine and, hopefully, the pandemic’s curb. It will be for me, and I hope for you, your relatives and your friends, a naked year, that of shared, accepted, and appeased nudity, the year of greater respect for oneself, for others and for the environment, through a chosen frugality. Naturism will figure prominently there. To do this, I offer you the following six ideas to implement for a naturism that is present, alive and joyful.

1. Live naked every day as much as possible

What could be easier than not to wear anything at home? If you sleep naked, what I can only advise you, when you get up, you just have to stay naked to go about your business. If you are lucky enough to telecommute, stay naked and spend a day at work without having to wear any clothes. These days of work spent naked are a huge source of productivity for me. Trying to remote work naked is usually adopting it. And for video conferences, a nearby polo shirt or t-shirt does the trick. Remember to stay seated!

2. Share naturist weekends

Weekends are a great time to meet friends. Why not seeing them naked? If they are naturists, it will be easy to invite them to a nudist dinner or lunch. If they are not naturists, this is an opportunity to share your naturism and plan a weekend with them in a naturist area to help them discover this exceptional way of life.

3. Spend a naturist holiday

There are hundreds of naturist spaces for all tastes and budgets, both locally and abroad. Take your pick, invite friends to join you and enjoy a few weeks in the simplicity of shared nudity. Holidays are a great time to discover naturism and convince even the most reluctant.

4. Subscribe to the naturist press

I dealt with the subject in the Naturist Lock Down Idea #2 – Read and Share Naturist Magazines. Here is a useful purchase for 2021. This allows you to keep you up to date with naturist news, to discover new places and new experiences, and to convince you that naturism is a unique and fulfilling way of life. Plus, by leaving your magazines lying around on the coffee table, you’ll have a great way to start an interesting conversation with your non-naturist friends.

5. Give naked hike a try

Do you like nature? Do you like hiking? So try naked hiking. There are many naked hiking groups. Find one near you and get started. Be careful, to try it is to adopt it. Difficult, if not impossible, to hike textiles afterwards. I recommend the wonderful book Naked Hiking, by Richard Foley, which will introduce you to the texts of fans of naked hiking.

6. Post some pictures of yourself naked

Did you take some pictures of yourself, your family or your friends during your last naturist weekend or holidays? Why not have a few printed out for display? This is a great way to surprise your non-naturist friends and start the conversation on their next visit! Are you wondering how your visitors will react? You’ll only know by posting your best shots!

No, naturism is nothing out of the ordinary, it’s actually quite ordinary. But, for many, it is “extra” ordinary, because it does not appear in their ordinary. Through these six ideas that are simple to implement and live on a daily basis, I hope that naturism will take the path of your everyday life and especially of sharing. 2021 can (must) become a bare year, lived as naked as possible. Daily nudity is possible, it’s a choice. Experience it and share it!

In 2021, strip naked, stay naked, live naked and share the love of nudism!

Photo Moritz Knöringer on Unsplash


  1. For what it is worth, nude hiking seems to garnering more attention, and maybe even more participation, of late. Thanks for mentioning it in this post. 🙂

  2. I have been a naturist all of my 69 years (70 in April 2021). Luckily for us {my two sisters & I} our parents were keen naturists and lived as much as possible naked. I’m not even sure if they had ever used words like ‘Naturist’ & ‘Naturism’ they just remained naked when they thought it was both practical & possible. We lived in a coal mining area in the heart of Yorkshire in England, our winters were very bleak & more often than not deep in snow drifts. All of our childhood it wasn’t unusual to be naked & to see nudity, although we soon understood that the majority of our friends & relatives didn’t share the same freedom or natural joy that we did. Only a few people came into our home and we were never made to get dressed or conform to anyone elses idea’s or standards in our own home.
    I could relate many stories from my lifetime growing into a mature responsible citizen. Though I didn’t get married until I was 44 I found a partner who not only shared my love of natural living, but she has the same first name as my mother ‘Rose’ . Life is much more interesting, naturally !

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