10 Good Reasons to Hike Naked (and Not Only On Naked Hiking Day)


Hiking is a great way to stay fit and enjoy nature. Whether you hike in the countryside, in the mountains or on the seaside, you come to appreciate the sceneries you cross at a slow pace. If you find a great place, you can stop and enjoy the view. But for us nudists, hiking naked adds the lack of clothes and the wellness that is attached to nudity to a great activity. Naked hiking has become such an important activity for nudists and hikers, Richard Foley has published a book about it, Naked Hiking, that I encourage each of you to get a copy of.

June 21, the Solstice day, is also Naked Hiking Day, a wonderful opportunity to discover a new way to hike. You may ask why hiking naked though? Here are the 10 reasons why I am hiking naked whenever I can and encourage you to do so.

1. Because clothes suck

I am a nudist and in my birthday suit every time I can and this means as much as I can if environment and weather permit. Since I am a nudist, hiking naked is as natural as taking a shower naked. You do not get dressed to take a shower, so why getting dressed to hike? Your sweat will evaporate naturally and you will quickly discover it’s much comfortable to be naked that to hike in sweaty clothes.

2. Because it’s comfortable

I am comfortable when I am nude, like all my fellow nudists. And I am doing all sorts of activities in the nude, from writing this blog post to hiking, from going to the beach to cooking, from jogging to playing with the kids. So yes, hiking naked is comfortable. No hot and humid clothes, your skin breathes, it’s a all different experience!

3. Because you can feel the sun and the wind on your body

I would say this is probably the number one reason. Feeling the air on your whole body is just great. You feel free and you are actually free. Free as any animal who does not get dressed to live.

4. Because my dog does not care if I am dressed or not

Ah, ah, ah! She exactly knows when I am going to hike or jog, because she sees me putting my hiking or jogging shoes. The shoes are the signal we are on our way to going into the nature. Whether I am nude or not, she does not care and I do not care either. Well actually I do care, I prefer being naked.

5. Because I can sweat and have no clothes to wash

On a hot summer day, I am sweating. Sometimes a lot. When I am naked, I do not get soaked with sweat, it just goes down on my body, drips and evaporates. A very pleasant feeling too. Therefore, no clothes that smell sweat to wash, avoiding to pollute the environment with detergent.

6. Because I can hike with cool people

I have yet to meet not cool naked hikers. It seems nudists are generally friendlier than clothed people. They tend not to judge people. Hey, we do not hide anything, so being all born equal, we just live this naked truth.

7. Because I do not need to undress if I come to find a place to take a swim

This is another great reason to hike naked, even with clothed hikers. If you arrive to a lake, a pond, a river, no questions, you can go. Whereas your non-nudist friends should have carried their bathing suit and will have to carry it wet.

8. Because it’s great way to convert non nudist to our lifestyle

Whether you hike naked with open-minded non-nudists or you meet open-minded non-nudists, you can start a conversation on why you enjoy hiking naked. It’s a great way to have more people joining as they see how well you are.

9. Because our body is beautiful

Honestly, I prefer people naked than people clothed trying to hide their body or to show off with their expensive clothing. A naked man or a naked woman are just beautiful, whether old or young, heavy or skinny, black or white, we are all just beautiful. On top of this, I find that nudists tend to smile more.

10. Because I am who I am when I am nude

Nothing to hide. I am who I am naked. I am a nudist. I understand nudity will shock a lot of people who sexualize the body, and I respect their point of view. They should respect mine to be naked because I feel good naked.

Still wondering where and how to hike naked? This article, Naked Hiking: Why To Do It & How To Do It, from Effortless Outdoors will shed some additional light. But don’t wait to long and ask yourself too many questions. Just drop your clothes and go on a short hike. You will see hiking through a new lens and I bet you may not hike clothed again!

Enjoy hiking, stay naked!

Strip Nude, Stay Nude, Live Nude and Share the Nude Love!

Photo by Holly Mandarich on Unsplash


  1. […] There are many groups who mix clothed and naked hikers. Respect being a central point here. The great thing with naked hiking is you do not need much and it’s therefore a very cheap activity. Think just about equipping yourself with a cover up in case you meet other hikers who do not appreciate nudity, as it’s still on the edge of legality in many places. Ensure you know the local regulation before going on a naked hike and always carry your membership card of your local nudist/naturist federation. If you want to know more about naked hiking, read my 10 good reasons to hike naked. […]

  2. […] There are many groups who mix clothed and naked hikers. Respect being a central point here. The great thing with naked hiking is you do not need much and it’s therefore a very cheap activity. Think just about equipping yourself with a cover up in case you meet other hikers who do not appreciate nudity, as it’s still on the edge of legality in many places. Ensure you know the local regulation before going on a naked hike and always carry your membership card of your local nudist/naturist federation. If you want to know more about naked hiking, read my 10 good reasons to hike naked. […]

  3. I absolutely LOVE being naked out in nature… regardless of the setting. (I absolutely LOVE being naked, period… any time, any where, anyhow… and preferrably in the company of others who are like-minded.)
    However, the down-side is that, here in SW Florida, we have very few places in which to be one with nature in this way… legally… and, most of those places are exclusive, and are costly.

  4. We’ve hiked without clothes. Two different places. One to a ridge to see the sunrise or sunset, and the other is a family cabin. We’re very safe at the cabin. The ridge is remote and quite safe.

    We do it for the experience, the sensation, the intention to do it without clothes. Most of the time it is exhilarating in the sense, “I can’t believe we’re doing this!” And “Wow, this never gets old!” And “One never regrets THIS experience.” The ridge is about an hour one way. The cabin sits on many acres.

    Of all things nudist, I think hiking naked, if it is truly safe, is one of the best nude experiences. 🙂

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