Becoming a Nudist – Chapter 1. Nudity, Body and Sexuality – Untying The Knot


Previous Part: The Sexual Feeling

In the previous parts we saw that we are all different while all being the same. Likewise, we discussed about sexuality being a normal and good thing, however, different from simple nudity. At the same time, society, culture and religion have all explained that nudity and sexuality have a bijective relationship. Hence nudity leads to sexuality. But, nudists believe it should not be like that. Simple nudity and sexuality are two different things, and nudity should not lead to sexuality. Therefore, we need to untie the knot between the two. This is what this part is about. You are going to discover how to shake this preconceived idea and open your mind to the possibility of enjoying nudity without thinking about sex.

Discovering Nudity

I presume that you take a shower or have a bath often. In those moments, you are entirely naked, aren’t you? I know that some people take showers or baths with swimsuits. If you are one of those people, I’m not sure I can do anything for you but asking you to stop doing this. Have a shower or a bath entirely naked. This will be far healthier and better for the planet as you won’t need to buy those useless piece of clothing.

So, let’s assume that you take a shower or have a bath entirely naked. Do you feel aroused in those moments? I’m talking in general. Probably not! You do what you have to do, get clean, and this is it. This is your first hook. You can get naked without being aroused because you have to do something that is not related to sex. Stay there for a moment.

You are in your shower, and you are cleaning your body. It probably feels good. Next time you take a shower, think about the fact you are naked, without realizing it, without putting any emphasis on it. You are just naked, because it’s normal to take a shower naked. Yes! It seems so obvious that you’ve probably never realized it. Capture that feeling of normality nurture it. Then, close the tap, step out of the shower, and stay naked. This is your second hook. Nothing’s wrong with you being naked, without having sexual sensation.

Going Out of the Bathroom

You may be used to wrap a towel around your breast or waist, or to put on a robe. Don’t do it! Make the conscious decision to stay naked and look at you in the mirror. You are beautiful! Yes, I know, there are those flaws, those scars, this little or big something that you want to change. We all have many. Just be benevolent with yourself. Allow you to tell you that you are beautiful.

Now, give you the authorization to step outside of the bathroom in your birthday suit. Yes, this means entirely naked! You’ve never done this? Wonderful! Do it! Open the door and step in the bedroom. Tell yourself, this is totally normal. It’s like taking a shower. Nudity is normal in the bedroom.

Are you alone in your home? If so, get out of the bedroom! What? Yes! Get out, go grab a glass of water in the kitchen, or just walk around. And yes, still naked! Does it feel weird? It may! Are you not feeling well? You may. There’s nothing wrong with this feeling. Just tell yourself you are not doing anything wrong, you are just enjoying the comfort of being naked around your house. Think about the shower you just had. There was nothing wrong by being naked in your shower. It’s exactly the same with going to the kitchen naked. Shrug your shoulder and tell you, everything’s okay!

Your first attempt may not be successful. So be it! Do it again, tomorrow, the day after and every day you can. Continue doing it until nudity in your home does not feel weird anymore, but simply comfortable and natural. Go back to your two hooks. The one about nudity in your shower and the one about nudity in your bathroom. There was nothing sexual, it was all normal. Stay there and let the feelings of wrongness recedes.


What if you live with other people that may not understand your nudity or may not be comfortable with it? Well, this is a more complex topic that we will address in chapters 5 and 7. At that particular moment in your nudist journey, you have two choices. Either you’re brave enough to have the conversation and let others know you may wander around the house naked, with no thoughts but just enjoying the comfort of nudity. Or you may want to skip directly to a more conducive place for nudism, like a beach or a resort.

If the former suits you, skip to chapter 5 to get some ideas on how to do this maximizing your chances of success, then come back here. If the latter suits better, just go on with the reading and once you are more seasoned, have that conversation, if you feel you can be successful.

Indoor Activities

Once, your feeling of weirdness has totally receded or at least decreased, you are good to have indoor activities in the nude! What do you do when you’re home? Reading, studying, working, cooking, watching TV, etc. Start doing all those activities without wearing clothes. Yes, entirely naked!

If you rationally think about those activities, they do not require you to be clothed. Well, maybe cooking if you intend to fry food for instance, where an apron may be useful for protection. However, at the exception of security reasons, there are no other reasons not to stay naked for all those activities. As I write those words, I am entirely naked, have been since waking up this morning, enjoying the incredible comfort of nudity, and will be for the rest of the day and the night, until I need to get away from home.

I do most of the things during the day entirely naked, from cooking to gardening, from working to hiking. The only time I have of wear clothes is when I need to go to the office or go shopping. Otherwise, nudity is my preferred option. At home, nudity is the first choice and I never wear anything but a pair of flip-flops or slippers when temperature is good enough to be naked. And even when it’s cold, I often only wear a t-shirt or a light short robe, which may seem weird for textile, but makes perfect sense for many nudists. Indoor, make nudity your preferred clothing choice.

No sex, baby!

Now that you are starting to enjoy carrying your day without clothes, it may happen that you feel aroused. What do you do then? Well, what you would have done if you had been clothed. Don’t think about it and continue what you have to do.

Just be conscious of your arousal, but don’t link it to the fact you were naked. Arousal happens sometimes unconsciously. It’s once again a normal feeling. Let it recede naturally. Personally, it happens that I have an erection during the day, being naked or not. A thought, a feeling, an image, a sensation may have caused it. Will I jump on the occasion to masturbate or to make love? No! I just notice it, sometimes not, and move along.

Of course, when I’m naked and because I’m a male, the erection will be visible. If I’m alone, I will not care about it. If I’m with others, I will wrap a towel around my waist if this can be seen as inappropriate or lay on my belly.

Now, if you never can let the sexual feeling recede and you need to have sex, for instance by masturbating, multiple times a day, you may want to consult a specialist. Not that it is abnormal to masturbate or make love multiple times a day, but it may hurt your life.

The main idea here is to recognize that being aroused is natural, being naked or not, and not succumbing to it is a matter of personal control and social behaviour. Once again, sex is good, behind closed doors between consenting adults only.

Thinking About Stepping Out

Outdoor is calling you. Once you feel comfortable, or even before you feel completely comfortable, step out of your home! How? If you have a garden, just go out. If not, plan to go to a nudist beach or resort, or find a secluded place in nature where you can get naked.

In all cases, the idea is to discover nudity outside of the confines of your walls. The first time you’ll step out, you will discover a new dimension to nudism. Our body is made to be nude. It’s its natural form. As we’ve seen, clothes were first invented for protection mostly against the cold and then became a fashion object. When the temperature is comfortable and you step outside for the first time, you understand that humans are made to be nude.

It may be so an incredible sensation that you may feel aroused. It happens that when I strip down after a long period clothed, I get an erection. It’s a manifestation of my well-being. I let it recede to enjoy the feeling of freedom that nudity provides.

Many nudists will tell you there’s nothing coming close to that feeling of being naked outside. It’s the reason why many nudists are hiking nude, cycling nude, jogging nude and doing many activities entirely nude.

The Beach or the Resort

When you are totally comfortably naked outside, you can think of confronting your own nudity with others, at a beach, a campsite or a resort. The beach may be the cheapest option, but not the best one for a primer to nudism. In fact, as it may seem easy it’s generally the option chosen by newbies.

However, if some beaches are fantastic, like for instance Haulover in Florida, because they are watched by a strong community of nudists, some have a tendency to have voyeurs or exhibitionists. Once again, those behaviours should not be tolerated on nudist beaches where family are welcomed, but they happen. If you’re annoyed by a voyeur or exposed to blatant exhibitionism on your first visit, you may have a skewed view of what nudism really is and instil some discomfort.

Hence, I recommend a family-friendly resort or campsite. Not only will you be welcomed, but you will meet like-minded people on your first visit that will make you comfortable. It’s a great way to meet other seasoned nudists that will comfort you in your choice of nudism. Do your due diligence, look for information about the resort or campsite, find the one that seems the best fit for you, and jump!

There are many things you will realize during this first visit, meeting other naked nudists. Most are friendly. Nobody stares at you. People looks at you in the eyes. Nobody judges your body. Everyone has a great time, minding their own business, totally naked. For some it takes a few hours, for others a few days, but once you deeply realize those things, nudity will have become something you do not think about, that you live in your own flesh. It will have become the new normal.

Nudity, the New Normal

Voilà! From the privacy of your bathroom to the open space of a beach, a resort or a campsite, you have become a nudist. Well, my feeling is we don’t really become nudist, we rediscover a state of being that was hidden by some conventions that we did not decide. Rediscovering that state makes us a nudist, I believe. It’s like nudism gets under our own skin.

Being a nudist is untying the knot between sex and nudity. Being a nudist is understanding, in our own flesh, that nudity is natural. Being a nudist is abandoning the shame that was attached to our natural existence.

Once you step outside naked among others, nudity becomes totally normal. What it should have been if shame had not been fed by society, culture and religion. All it requires is a decision to accept to visit a club, a resort or a campsite, and meet other nudists. Even the most reluctant person can become a nudist by meeting, naked, other nudists. All it takes is a decision.

Once this discovery has peeled the last layer of shame that surrounds the naked body, you never go back. You will keep deep in your heart, soul and body, that feeling of the incredible comfort of simple nudity.

Unfortunately, society will keep reminding you that nudity is bad, that it is not allowed. It will continue weaving sexuality and nudity. Defending simple nudity is a constant battle against obscurantism, but one that’s worth it. This is why, we need to get naked as often as possible, be proud nudists, and keep informing others about the many benefits of nudism, as we will see in the following pages.

Nudism is a fantastic, simple, and natural way of living. But are we talking about nudism or naturism? This is what the next chapter is about. Read on. And oh! If you are now comfortable with nudity, I really think that you should get naked to read, if you’re not already. Not only to read that blog, but any blog and any book. In my opinion, you can live your nudism every day, as we will see in the final chapter. But don’t wait until the end, strip naked now! Enjoy the happiness of being nude!

Next part: Chapter 2. Nudism or naturism? – Words and semantics

Strip nude, stay nude, live nude and share the nude love!

Photo by Robert Zunikoff on Unsplash


  1. Yes, I shower naked… and, by the way, our bathroom in our master bedroom has no door, and is wide open to the bedroom… thusly, my wife and I shower naked with no door between the bathroom and the bedroom (yes, there is a shower curtain, even if only to help keep the water in the shower vs all over the floor… otherwise, the curtain would be gone, as well!). And, if someone were to be in our back yard, they could potentially see into the bedroom and bathroom easily. This doesn’t bother us in the least. The only time we are behind any closed door while in the bathroom at home is when we are sitting on the throne doing our business or if we have company (the latter, being an unfortunate necessity given who our company generally is… my father-in-law, who happenes to be a pervert and would enjoy the show far too much rather than accept it as natural nudity). Otherwise, everything we do in the bathroom is done naked. Yes, we venture into and around the house naked regularly. We have both easily and without apprehension gone out into the back yard, sometimes into the spa and/or pool utterly naked… and loving every milli-second of being nude freely.
    I miss our days of Hippie Hollow in Austin, TX (clothing-optional, and where we definitely jumped to the stripping off of clothing immediately upon arrival, and before all else). Places close to home here in Florida, where clothing is optional, or better, a full-on nude venues, are either hard to find, or very expensive.
    In my relocation years ago from Georgia to Texas, I drove extremely comfortably the entire overnight portion of the 16-1/2 hour drive competely naked (with the exception of gas/restroom, munchies stops along the way (which I kept to a minimum).

  2. I live a naked lifestyle, always naked at home, and naked in the garden. Living in the country is fantastic, the only thing I haven’t got is a swimming pool, but my nudist beach is only two miles away.

  3. I am naked,most of the time,in and out ,doors. I really enjoyed reading,your article. The only problem is the people who read it is all ready naturist.

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