6.5 strategies to have your nudest year


As I was preparing my previous article on nude year resolutions that work, and was thinking about my own resolutions, I felt that I needed to commit to a number of nude days. As I have a nudism category for my yearly resolutions, I decided do add a number of days I was committing to spend naked every quarter. This would definitely make my year nuder if not the nudest so far. The number that came to my mind was 80, which equates to approximately 22% of the year.

It was kind of funny to see it was close to 80/20, the famous Pareto rule. 20% naked, 80% joy! Spending a full 20% of the year in complete nudity sounds a fair amount while a little bit challenging as I added another way to measure a nude day. I would consider a nude day if I can spend at least 22 hours entirely nude. This means less than 2 hours of clothing to run the necessary errands or get a robe on if the temperature was too cold. On the opposite, there are 28 days of weekends every quarter so if I could manage to spend all of them nude, I would overachieve my goal. But I know I could never spend all of them entirely naked. So if I can spare a few days here and there, plus a few weekends, this is doable.

This led to the idea of this post aligned with the goal of my blog: I want to help you to get more nude time from your busy life. I have a busy professional life that has no nudism in it, like many nudists across the globe. But having been a proud and committed nudist for ages, i think I can provide some values to all of you who want to spend more time nude. Now, this require some serious planning, as you would imagine if you’ve read my previous post on nude year resolutions that works. So I booked one hour in my calendar to create a plan to reach this goal and along the way formalize those six and a half strategies to ensure my year and your’s to be the nudest, to reach my goal of 80 days spent naked and to enjoy as much nudity as possible.

Here are some constraints I had to consider:

  • Some friends and family I love and I visit are not nudists,
  • I have a job that I cannot practice nude, except when I’m working from home and don’t have video calls,
  • Some days the weather is really too cold to spend more that 22 hours entirely naked.

But life is always made of constraints. So with this, here are the six point five strategies you can apply to your nudist life to enjoy more nude time. But wait, why 6.5 and not 7? Point five is not an integer. Well, i’m a big fan of Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’s been using this point five trick for years, I believe at least since the Sales Bible when he introduced the 10.5 commandments of sales success. We all know there are only 10 Commandments in the Bible, so he managed to sneak an 11th one by using the .5 trick. I kind of like this because the .5 feels like a bonus, doesn’t it? Well at least for me it does. So here are my 6.5 strategies for a nuder year.

Commit to SMART nudism

You know SMART? It’s a very practical acronym to deliver a goal that you have chances reach:

  • S – Specific – This means you need to describe what you want to achieve in detailed terms. For instance, setting a goal as “I want more nude time” is too broad. Instead, do like I did: “I want to spend at least 20 days per quarter entirely nude”.
  • M – Measurable – A measurable goal is not ambiguous nor broad, but can be “counted” or measured. If I count every day I will spend nude each quarter, I will exactly know if I reached my goal or not.
  • A – Attainable – Can I really reach my goal or is it too high? For instance, if I set my nude days to be 40 per quarter, knowing that there are only 14 weekends, hence 28 days, that adds another 12 days to find in a busy clothed scheduled. Probably impossible without changing job or environment which is not on the agenda. If you don’t feel you can reach (attain) your goal, it’s too stretched and probably not realistic.
  • R – Realistic – This goes with attainability. 40 days may be realistic but hard to attain. 20 days on the opposite is attainable and realistic. Of course, efforts may be required, but a realistic goal will soothe the fear of not reaching it.
  • T – Timely – A goal needs to have an end. When do you want to reach it? In a month, a quarter, a year? More? Having too far in the future goals are hard to commit to. I love quarterly and yearly goals. My nudity goal sets its horizon to the quarter.

I want to spend at least 20 days per quarter entirely nude. Specific? Yes, 20! Measurable? Yes, count the days! Attainable? Hmmm, yes, hard but doable! Realistic? Totally, a quarter is 91/92 days, so this represents around 22% of the whole of it! Timely? Yes, it’s a quarter. Of course, in the first quarter, my resolution will be : “I will be spending at least 20 days entirely nude by March 30, a day entirely nude being a day when 22 hours minimum are spent unclothed but shoes and an untied robe.”

Yep, as simple as this! This is what I call SMART nudism and I’m committing to spending those 20 days every quarter is my best clothing option: nudity!

Let’s take another example. I want to spend a week holiday at a clothing optional resort in June. Nice smart nude goal here. Specific? Yes, one week! Measurable? Yes, it’s 7 days. Attainable? Yes, have to find the place and book. Realistic? Totally. Timely? Yes, it will be be in June. So, now you see how simple it is to be SMART about nudism.

Plan your days ahead

Remember: those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Planning means preparing for execution. For instance, how do I make sure I reach my 20 days of complete nudity? Well, when I look at my quarterly calendar, I see four types of days:

  • Working days at customer’s site or at the office
  • Working days from home
  • Weekend days
  • Holidays

The first ones are definitely clothed, but all the others can be nude! I open my calendar (more on nude wall calendar below) and look at all the holidays and weekends. I know some will be reserved for family outings or friends visits, so those cannot be full nude day. All the rest, are marked with a small N. As my calendar is set on the wall, my wife can come and check for any planned weekends if anything new arises (we have an electronic copy as well for convenience).

Once all holidays and weekend days marked, I count the number of Ns. For this quarter, I had 18, which is really great. I know I’ll have to find at least 2 working-from-home days I can indulge naked. I actually plan 8 of those, almost one every week, as I am currently reorganizing my working time to allow one WFH day a week. Normally this would add close to 14 nude days, but some of those days will be spent on video calls and I’ll be wearing a shirt more than 2 hours, so this will not count as a nude day, although it will be an almost nude day.

Now, I’m facing with 26 planned nude days for the first quarter and I’m feeling really good about this. I know that I have all the chances to reach my goal for Q1 and be on a good track to get my 80 days for the full year, and may be over that if I can manage 28 days in Q1. Now, I can move to my holidays and prepare my June week.

Make nudism a priority for holidays

Holidays mean nudism, full stop! There’s no other choices but to find a nudist resort, a clothing optional hotel or BnB, a nearby nudist beach or club, or a nudist event. Not all days will be fully nude though as we generally visit the surroundings and few are nudists friendly. However, as we love to hike, there could be potential nude hikes along the way and that may count for full nude days.

If you don’t know where to go for a nude holiday, you have many sources of information that are available thanks to the web. The first I would recommend is the local nudist federation website. It generally lists nudist accommodations, beaches and clubs. The second is Nick & Lins website, Naked Wanderings. It lists a ton of destinations across the world with reviews and guides. It’s a must before deciding about any nudist destinations.

There are thousands of nudist places across the world. We don’t have enough of a lifetime to visit all of them, so with nudism at the top of the list, you indulge your love of nudity and the discovery of new places. Why chose when you can have both? I don’t. I have set time in my calendar to go over various nudist places. I will look at them in details, request more information if needed, then decide and book. By end of January this should be a done deal, and we will maybe have other options later in the summer.

Make your home office nude friendly

My home office has been nude friendly for years. Actually, my whole home is nude friendly. However, it may not be the case for all of you. So here are a few ideas to ensure you can spend your entire workday in the nude while in your home office and add many days to your nudist life

Clothing optional signage

Make it clear your office is nude friendly by displaying a clothing optional sign on the door. I know what you think: why doing so if the people living with you know you’re naked in your office? For two reasons. First to remind them that nudism is your preferred lifestyle, second to let people who visit know that this is a clothing optional place.

Clothing Optional Sign Vintage Decor Rustic Signs Wall Art Tin Plaque Decoration Farmhouse Home Gift 6 x 18 High Gloss Metal 206180071020

Many friends who visited my place discovered that I was a nudist by seeing those kind of plates I have across home. A great way to break the ice, by the way.

A pile of fresh towels

The towel is the one piece of fabric every nudist has in multiple sizes and colors. I have a pile of small colorful ones in my office so I can sit on one and have some ready if I have a visitor and he/she wants to indulge nudity. It’s simple and obvious question of hygiene.

Have a shirt/blouse ready

When working from home you often need to attend meeting with customers or colleagues. Not all are ready to see a bare chested man, not even a naked one. The trick is to wear a dress shirt and not stand up of course. For most it really suffices to make people think you’re dressed. For phone or audio calls, no need to dress. However, there are many times when a customer started an audio call and I felt a video feed would help the conversation. Having a shirt ready helps moving from audio to video in a matter of seconds.

Manage the room temperature

In the cold season, you need to be warm and cosy in your office. The room temperature should be set so you are comfortable while sitting at your desk. Cold comes generally from the feet and if you don’t have heated floor, a pair of slippers will insulate you from from the floor. In cold winter nights, I have a velvet dressing gown that is really comfortable that I sometimes wear to feel warmer until I can open it or just get naked.

Share nudism with friends and family

I know it may not be possible for all of you to tell your friends and family that you are a nudist and love to spend most of your time in the nude. However, your close friends and family member should be aware. I previously wrote three posts about sharing nudism and naturism with friends and family: 4 ways to explain to friends and family why you are a nudist, Should I share with my friends and family that I am a nudist, and A Simple Method to Share Naturist Activities With Others. Spare some time to read them. Here are a few tips to have on your mind when the conversation goes about nudism and naturism.

Yes, you are a nudist and you love it

How many nudists are afraid saying they are, thinking people will judge them badly. Except if you live in a really conservative environment, the worse that can happen when you say you’re a nudist is a weird look. I’ve done this so many times that I’m ready and unfazed by this. There’s nothing wrong being a nudist, to the opposite. I really think it’s a much healthier lifestyle that many clothed ones. And I generally move to the many benefits of nudism.

Nudism has many benefits

Books have been written about benefits of nudism. The chapter 3 of my forthcoming book, Becoming a nudist, is entirely dedicated to the benefits of nudism. It has physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and social benefits. You can find the unedited chapters on this blog starting with here. Spend some time studying those benefits to be ready to share them. Most are backed by science and proven to be very effective.

Have nudist magazines and books available

Are you a subscriber to nudist magazine? If not, hurry up. The 5th nudist idea of the 101 I published is Subscribe to a naturist magazine (you can get my book 101 Ideas to Increase Nude Time and Nudist Friends in paperback with all the 101 ideas). I love the naturist press. I have three subscriptions, 2 paper ones and 1 digital. My naturist magazines are everywhere in the house so there’s no ambiguity about what I love. Everyone who visit will immediately know that you’re a nudist and a conversation can start about it.

Invite them to try, as least once

Once people know that you’re a nudist, invite them to join you. Most will generally say no. Let them know that you understand and that you’re not forcing anybody, but that you would be very happy to introduce them to nudism at a local beach or club. my experience is that around 50% will agree, and of those 50% will embrace nudism. This is creating a nudist out of four people you invite to share nudism. Small steps matter!

Have a nude calendar

If you plan your days ahead, a calendar is a great way to remind your planned days. I’m a planning freak and plan my nude days ahead. Not that I have too, but it’s aligned with my yearly resolutions and the way I love to achieve them. How to make sure I’ll reach my nudist resolutions? I do two things: first, include my nudist planning in my online calendar so it can follow me everywhere, second, tick nude days and activities in my nudist wall calendar.

You’ll find nude calendars that you can order online, for instance the Naturist Society one or some from Cafe Press, but I’m using canva to make my own with my own picked pictures. You’ll find below my Nudism 2022 calendar in the making in Canva and the final version here (all pictures comme from Nudism Life) – If you want the PDF version of the calendar for your perusal only, just drop me an email and I’ll be happy to share it.

My Nudism 2022 calendar

My nudist calendar is on the wall next to my desk and everyday I spend naked is ticked. Every nudist activity is listed. It just reminds me constantly how nudism is awesome and contributes to my happiness. It’s difficult to describe what nudism does for me, my physical and mental health. I know that my wall calendar reinforces my determination to live a proud nudist life.

Don’t look back

Here comes the 6.5 tip! You have made the best possible choice of lifestyle. Nudism is awesome. I wrote a lot, many wrote a lot and you’ll find ample books, articles and studies on the benefits of nudism, its numerous positive aspects, and the story of how it became what it is today. Once chosen, you cannot go back to the textile world. The moment you wear a piece of clothing you take away an important part of your well-being. The day you embrace nudism is the day you start a new chapter of your life. Don’t look back, never!

Just embrace the lifestyle. Physically, it’s easy, just undress. Psychologically, it may be a little bit harder as you have to fight preconceived ideas about nudity. Emotionally, you may not be ready to the wave of emotions that will accompany the abandonment of clothes. Socially, it will shake your world as some people will not understand you. But, and this is a big one, over time, with determination and deep understanding of what nudism entails, you will enter a new world, a new life, made of much more respect, love and happiness. What are you waiting for? Come along!

Strip Nude, Stay Nude, Live Nude and Share the Nude Love!

Image by Like, Download and Follow please! from Pixabay


  1. Well, this post gave us a little chuckle, since my wife and I have adjoining home offices, and they are fully nude friendly, 80% of the time. Never thought of posting a sign outside my door, but now I will!

    Another great job, Marc, as ambassador for the whole community.

  2. An interesting read, Marc. I didn’t realize that nudity was regarded by anyone in the way you describe. A goal to be reached; a strategy to be worked through; a resolution to adhere to. The concept is quite alien to me. I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with your approach – it’s just quite a bit different to the way I live.

    To me, being naked is nothing more than a standard dress code. I don’t really think about it – if it’s warm and too uncomfortable for clothes, I go naked. If it’s cold and too uncomfortable to be naked, I put something on. I don’t keep a nudity diary any more than I keep tabs on when I wear a T-shirt or jacket or sweater. I get joy out of being comfortable. Sometimes that means being naked; sometimes it means wrapping up in warm clothes. It’s as simple as that!

  3. I live alone and whenever I’m home I’m nude unless there’s a reason. I’m now WFH full time. So my daily attire is my work shirt plus undershirt and footwear to keep warm. I plead guilty to ‘Donald Duck-ing’ most of my waking hours 🙂

  4. For me, freedom and respect for my body were fundamental. Freedom was the thing that got me undressed, especially the early days when I tried nudism. Nudist freedom, once you try it, you become addicted to it very quickly. I had become addicted almost immediatly. You realize how annoying clothes are and how they take away your freedom. From that moment on I began to desire nudity and consequently to feel the need to undress. So nudist freedom was essential for me, because it led me to nudity. As I undressed more and more often, I lost my body shame, modesty, fear, I learned to accept my whole body, genitals included, I realized that the genitals were a part of the body like any other and I shouldn’t be ashamed of them. I realized that only naked I would really respect myself and my body, because not being ashamed is the first step to respect yourself.
    So I can say that nudist freedom and then self-respect were two wonderful and most important gifts that nudism gave me. The other 2 aspects, comfort and discovery, I would say that comfort was a direct consequence of freedom, when I am naked the comfort is maximum, but as soon as I wear a piece of clothing, pants, shoes, underwear etc. . comfort and freedom decrease significantly and I feel the need to undress again (except when is too cold). So comfort was an automatic consequence of freedom. By “discovery”, I didn’t quite understand what it mean, but the biggest discovery was my body, which is now naked, but which before becoming a nudist I had been taught to hide and censor and only thanks to the gift of nudism that I received, I was able to undress completely, in all its beauty, getting rid of clothes, fears and the idea of ​​having to hide it. Another very good thing about nudism is its incredible ability to bring you back to nature. When I began to undress, I began to feel a rapprochement with nature and the desire to get back in touch with mother nature in nudity. Going naked in nature is something indescribable. It is a return to origins that everyone should try. And that’s when I really understood the word “naturism”, thus becoming a naturist as well as a nudist. Undressing in nature is then automatic, more simple, more beautiful, and more natural, it is mother nature herself to suggest it.
    All these wonderful things have changed my life forever. And it all started with one single gift, that I have riceived 4 years ago, the gift called -Nudism-.

  5. As a senior male, I work about 12 hours a week (church musician) where I must be dressed. At home inside, I am usually naked. But, there is an “in between” phase — shopping, errands, vacations, flying and driving in general, and working in the yard — where I wear a kilt, about 20% of my life in hours. It’s not pure nude but a lot closer than wearing textiles all over. (Commando under the kilt.) When swimming in public, a minimalist bikini. I currently am naked about 75% of the time. I keep looking at ways to raise the figure. My car bears a sticker “Real men wear kilts” and my front door has a sign “nudist inside” — and Jehovah’s Witnesses skip my house.

    • Thank you Steve. There are many people who think alike about nudism and naturism. Sometimes, and more often than not, it’s just a question of opening up and sharing our passion for nudism.

  6. You’re very welcome Marc ,
    You’re so right .
    I have been fortunate to have been brought up by avid Nudists parents ,
    It’s just a shame that over here where I am ( Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia there are limited beaches that allow nudists to relax these days . But I always take the opportunity to enjoy the lifestyle
    Thanks again for your insights

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