Nudism, a passion: call for testimonies

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Hello beautiful readers of Nude and Happy. As you may know, the Nudism series of books has met its public and more books are planned. The next one, titled temporarily Nudism, a passion, is currently being written and needs you!

The book aims at being slightly different from the previous ones. It will focus on people stories, how they became nudists and how they live as nudists. For this book to be a success, I need you! If you’re interested in being featured in the book, drop me an email (marc at nuetheureux dot com), so I can provide some guidance on what is expected.

Nudism, a passion will provide the recipe for embracing the nudist lifestyle, through life examples of those who did and do it. It aims at making people understand that nudism is the best possible lifestyle for the 21st century. Through real-life stories and the latest progress of life science, it will guide textiles through a world of simplicity, openness, and respect. All your stories are interesting. Come and share them, we will make sure they are written in the best possible way to help others understand nudism and its many benefits.

I count on you! Thank you in advance.

Strip Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!


  1. I have been a life long nudist and only the past few years, have i been able to enjoy it fully with a new wife who also fully embraces it. She had never been able to and both of us had been raised in families that nudity was wrong. So has been very refreshing and rewarding to enjoy it with her. We have a small homestead in Utah and have worked hard to set the property up for full enjoyment without prying or accidental eyes falling prey to these old bodies but by god we enjoy our sun, our home, and each other fully nude!!! We have made a few new friends who are learning nude is not sexual and can be enjoyed whenever we have company or
    by ourselves.

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