7 Tips for a Nude Summer

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Photo by Nubia Navarro (nubikini) on Pexels.com

Nudism and naturism are heavily dependent on the weather for many of us. Summer rhymes with nudism and holidays. But it’s not always easy to ensure that you’ll be able to spend some naturist quality time. As I’ve been in that situation for many years, I have established a set of actions to ensure nudism is front and centre of my summer time. Whether you’re a committed naturist or think about trying for your summer holidays, here are seven tips to help you have a nude summer.

1- Commit to Nudity

One of my key learning of this life comes from commitments. The moment you commit to something, you increase your chances of success. Hence, if you want to have a nude summer, you need to commit to it and to putting nudism at the heart of your choice. This means to pick a place where you’ll be able to be naked all day if possible or to the bare minimum you would like.

Being naked all day means picking a naturist resort, village or campsite. Being naked a portion of the day means picking a place near a nude beach or a nude resort that you can have access to. Either way, this may require some research and booking. The moment you book your stay at or near a naturist resort, you’ve executed on your commitment and it’s a beautiful thing. It also builds on the excitement of enjoying holidays in a wonderful environment where you’ll meet like-minded people: other naturists and nudists.

Staying in a nudist/naturist place is having the certainty of not only being able to enjoy nude time without thinking about it, it’s also having the certainty of meeting other nudists/naturists and make some new friends. Having nudist/naturist friends is a reinforcing mechanism to your commitment to nudity, as it becomes the obviousness of your relationship. With other nudists/naturists, nudity is not a topic any more, something you have to worry about or ask for permission, you just get naked without thinking about it.

A commitment to nudity is not a prerequisite although sometimes not enough to enjoy nude time we aspire to. The other aspect is to plan ahead, if like me you’re a planning freak.

2- Plan Nude Time

I love planning. I plan almost everything, mostly to avoid bad surprises. Well, I don’t plan everything, but only the important thing that matters to me personally and professionally. At the beginning of the year, I wrote about How To Set Nude Year Resolutions That Work. As with any of the 5 dimensions (personal, financial, professional, health and nudism) of my life that matters to me, I’m setting resolutions and set plans to reach my goals.

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Photo by Bich Tran on Pexels.com

Everyday, I don’t plan my nude time, as I’m naked from the time I’m back from work until the next morning at the minimum. However, when it comes to naked weekdays, weekends and holidays, I’m ensuring they exist by putting them in my calendar and committing to staying naked almost whatever happens. A weekday with no necessity to visit customers? I mark it as a nude day in my calendar to remember not to take any meeting that requires me to get clothed. A weekend with friends with a forecasted great weather? I ensure I’ll be able to be naked by picking the activities and the places we go to. A week-long holiday? I pick a few naturist resorts that will serve as a base for visits.

I commit to nudity and plan it ahead to ensure I get the dose that makes me happy. It’s integral to my life and I need it to be a fulfilled person that can radiate happiness. The third tip to a nude summer is to ensure your friends and family embrace nudism along with you.

3- Enrol Friends and Family

For many, it’s a difficult, if not impossible topic. Family members may not be naturists. Your close friends may not be naturists. How to make sure you’ve naturist friends and family members? The only way, IMHO, is to be open about naturism, to have books and magazines about naturism that you can share and to be ready to tell others that you’re a naturist.

Beware, I’m not saying you need to cry out loud to the world that you are a naturist or post pictures of you naked all over social media. I’m not doing this myself because many people don’t understand naturism and I do not have enough time to explain it to the world. However, I have naturist books and magazines in my library, my friends and family know that I’m a naturist and agree to spend time with me while I’m naked.

This allows me to invite friends and family at home, on weekends or spend holidays with them while looking for ways to be naked at a beach, on a hike or while having a drink. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is to have nudist friends. If you visit naturist resorts and beaches, become an active member of naturists social networks or clubs, you will meet other nudists and some will become your friends.

4- Work Your Tan Wisely

We need the sun to help our body synthesise vitamin D. However, like many things in life, too much sun is not good for you. You need to manage your sun exposure wisely particularly those bits that may not be used to be in full light. There are two ways to protect from the sun: Use sunscreen, stay in the shade.

When it comes to sunscreen, I have two rules: only mineral sunscreen and a lot of it. Mineral because it’s less harmful for the skin and the environment. An article from Everyday Health explains the differences between mineral and chemical. A lot, because we always realize we did not use enough when we get sunburnt. The sun is our ally, but too much exposure increases the risks of skin cancer.

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Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.com

When it comes to sun exposure, I have four other rules: prefer shade when lying, reading or lounging, apply a lot of sunscreen if directly exposed, wear a hat and a pair of sunglasses.

Always drink a lot of water. I count at least half a litre an hour. It’s a lot to carry, but a sure way to ensure you get the right level of hydration.

5- Journal Your Nude Experiences

Nudity is a state that society frowns upon. It can sink under our skin and sometimes make us feel awkward. Nothing abnormal here. However, it’s important to recognise it and to make all that possible to tear those feelings down. One way I’ve found useful over the years is writing about, journaling experiences. Spend a few minutes at the end of each day to note down what you’ve done and how you felt.

Whether it was a great naked day or a not so good one when you felt strange being naked, note it down. After a few days, you may notice patterns. For instance, for a while, I noticed being not totally at ease when being naked at my parent’s place. It felt awkward being naked while they were clothed. One morning, over breakfast, I opened the discussion asking if they were OK with me being naked in their garden and house. They shrugged, smiled and told they were comfortable with it. From that day, the topic was not even one and my awkwardness disappeared. Journaling helped me.

Another aspect of journal is using pictures. Pictures can be frowned upon on a beach or in resorts. If you’re mindful of omitting strangers, I love taking pictures of friends and families so I can document my holidays. I also find joyfully to be able to create printed books of holidays. Nude pictures find their spot in them. It’s always a great pleasure to share them with friends and families to demonstrate that nudity is normal, natural and something that should be hidden.

6- Exchange with other Nudists

One of the great joys of nudist holidays is to meet other nudists. It expands your circle of friends and your nudism opportunities. If you have the chance to keep contact with those new friends after your holiday, you can organise naked dinners, naked weekends or naked hikes, without thinking about it.

It’s also a great way to exchange about your nudist lives and practices. Nudism is a topic that is of importance to many nudists as they tend to willing to expand their nude time. You share when and with whom you get naked. You share how to deal with neighbours and textile friends. You share a great time talking about your lifestyle and its importance.

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Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

For many people, nudism is about getting naked. But if it were just this, it would not have its books, its magazines, its films, even its TV programs. Nudism is much more than just getting naked. It’s a journey of self-discovery and acceptance. It’s a journey of respect and friendship. Sharing nudism with friends is an incredibly beautiful thing.

7- Push The Nude Limits

The last way to have the nudest summer is to push your nude limits. Let’s imagine you have to drive to go to your favourite nude beach. Have you driven naked to the beach? Or let’s imagine you have invited a couple of nudist friends for an evening dinner at your place. Have you dined entirely naked? I’m sure you see my point here. The idea is to do things that you’re doing clothed and did not think doing naked.

I’ve a habit now for years, which is to ask if I could be naked for the activity I’m about to make. If it’s a yes, then I undress and carry on. A few weeks ago, I had to drive back from my son’s place. It’s a three-hour drive on the motorway. I left his place and thought about being naked. I stopped on the next rest area, got out of the car, entirely undressed, threw my clothes in the boot and went on the road. When I arrived home, my wife asked if I had been naked the whole way, which I acknowledged. She thought I was crazy, I think I’m a committed nudist.

Hiking? Naked. Having a drink with friends? Naked. Gardening? Naked. Find the limit and push it. You will discover that the number of activities you can do naked is almost limitless. Actually, we tend to limit ourselves and have preconceived ideas of what we can or can’t do naked. Shatter those ideas and you’ll just make your life nuttier than you think.

I hope those seven tips will help you enjoy more nudism, share more nude time and spent your best nude summer ever. And remember, the only limits that exist are those we create in our minds!

Strip Nude, Stay Nude, Live Nude and Share the Nude Love!

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