Nudity and Growth: Reflections on My Fourth Month of Naturist Resolutions in 2023


We all know life happens and catches you to derail your plans. May started this way, with a whirlwind of events that all pushed the train off track. These are times when you need discipline (I almost wrote stubbornness) to get back on track. It took a close to two weeks, but I’m back. I know resolutions work only when you revisit them regularly, weekly, monthly and quarterly, and when they guide your daily tasks. I lost track, this is called life, I’m at peace with it, and it’s now time to steer the ship back.

And it’s May! Spring has definitively sprung, and with it, the nude season, when nudity becomes the norm due to higher temperatures. I reset my Q2 objectives and key results in my previous month post, Nudity and Growth: Reflections on My First Quarter of Naturist Resolutions in 2023. May is the right time to see where I’m making progress on those.

As a reminder, here is the simple scale I use to gauge progress.

  • ++ I’m ahead. I can relax, while keeping an eye on it, but devote more time to more pressing goals.
  • + I’m on track. It’s great, I need to keep the pressure to keep on track.
  •  I’m slightly behind. This requires my attention and I need to spend more time and energy on this.
  •  I’m really behind. This requires my immediate attention and requires that I take tangible actions, with more time and energy.

So here’s for the third time this year, a progress report on my goals and magical triplets (for explanations about goals and triplets, how to set and monitor them, refer to my post Happy Nude Year!)

Spend 120 days naked30 days quarterly46 days! Another 12 in April, ahead of my objectives. It’s such a bliss to spend days entirely naked and enjoy the comfort of freedom. It really anchors the fact that I love to be naked and want this to become more and more!++
Spend a full naked week in a naturist resort + Make a five-day naked hike Q3I narrowed down a few sites, and will decide this month on the right spot and the right dates. I’m really excited about this project. +
Publish A passion for NudismQ4I put this one on the back burner, due to professional commitments that took some time, until Q3.
Weekly exercise and meditationMeasured weeklyExercise now daily, with a daily and weekly routine of strength, flexibility, and cardio.++
Work on my joie de vivreDailyStill a lot of way to go to fight agains nudophobic people, but bringing levity in my life helps a lot. I need to work on my assertiveness and push my own agenda forward more.+
Get closer to friends and familyConstantlyNo real progress in April.+
To really love my passion for naturismDailyI’m at peace with it, need to be more open about it with friends and family, and bring more visibility to it, relating to the next goal.++
To live my nudism more openlyDailyColder temperatures were not friendly to be more open with it, but I’ll be visiting friends and family in May and intend on some nude time.++
To dare sharing my nudist activities with othersDailyStill need to be more intentional about it.
To protect my time from predatorsDailyContinuing to say no to many people who wanted my time. Still going well.++

Here are key learnings from April.

The Good

  • Increased involvement in naturist activities
    • I continue being more involved in naturist communities, sharing ideas on forums, contributing regularly to my paid channel on Substack for nudist short stories. Although I missed ANW video call in April, I look forward to the next.
    • Partnerships continue with True Naked Yoga, H&E Naturist and La Vie au Soleil. This makes me feel proud and happy to be able to contribute to nudism and naturism through other medias.
  • Positive impact on physical and mental health
    • My physical and mental health continue to improve.
    • Sleep, productivity, and mood are on the rise.
  • Cultivating joy and positivity
    • I created those little mantras that I’m repeating daily. My wife loves them and we are discussing joy and positivity more, putting an emphasis on seeing the glass half-full!

The Bad

  • Creating a nudist-friendly home environment
    • I’m still struggling on this front, but I’m intentional and will make sure nudism is visibly more present and comes in conversation.

I feel the reprioritisation in April is working so far and I will put some more emphasis on ensuring nudism is front and center with friends and family. I’ve had a success early May, but I will address it in my June review.

What does May look like?

Here’s my key focus activities in May

Spend 30 days nakedI have planned 12 days to end at 58, 2 days shy of my half year target, one month in advance…
Commit on the naturist place for SeptemberI will make the booking to spend a week and hike naked daily.
Weekly exercise and meditationThe quarter is already planned.
Work on my joie de vivreI’ve added and hung naked smiling mantras over my desk. I am reciting them daily.
Get closer to friends and familyI’m visiting friends and family in early May. There will be nude days with them.
To love my passion for naturism (to live my naturism passionately)My Substack paid part is starting to fuel my passion, and I’m really happy for the early start. I’ve new nudist work lined up with La Vie au Soleil in May, stay tuned French readers, and a full calendar for blog posts.
To live my nudism more openlyMay, with friends and family will be the proof of the pudding. I look forward to it.
To dare sharing my nudist activities with othersSame as above.
To protect my time from predatorsI will continue to say no to many people who want my time.

I feel my nudist life is at an inflection point and nudism is now one of the key drivers. I’m so glad about it because I feel so much better when naked and so much better when naked with others. Over the last months, I’ve met a lot of incredible nudists who share this same passion and it comforts my choice of living an open nudist life. I’m excited at what lies ahead.

What about you? Where are you on your naturist journey? Are you making progress? Do you discover new facets of naturism and nudism? Do you need help? Please comment below and don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Strip, Stay Nude, Live Nude and Share the Nude Love!


  1. As you said rightly, it always help us to review the tasks which we have planned on regular intervals & further help us to initiate corrective actions accordingly. Keep it up & best wishes for the completion of your nudism plan.
    As far as my plan & it’s progress is concerned, i can only have the option to enjoy my naturism passion in the home itself as the stringent laws doesn’t allow me social nudism & enjoying naturism in the nature. Hence my nudism resolution part is only to enjoy it at home, follow few genuine naturists online & read about naturism as much as possible.
    I also would love to endorse your statement “I’m so glad about it because I feel so much better when naked and so much better when naked with others”, as I too feel exactly same way.

  2. This list is so me! I’m a planner, goal setter, tracker. Part of how I’m wired. I felt a kinship as I read it. If you have a spreadsheet as well, then I’ll be convinced we were separated at birth!

    Well done keeping on top of things and remaining focused on the big picture. Sometimes it’s easy to get discouraged through set backs and such.

    Am reading some of your work on Substack. Very nice. Thanks.

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