Naked and Active: A Guide to Practicing Sports in the Naturist Lifestyle


Allow me to start with what I consider a truism: sport feels better when practiced naked. Of course, you may immediately argue that some sports cannot be practiced naked, for instance, soccer, ice hockey or MMA, for obvious security and protection questions. I definitely agree, this is why I will, in this post, separate sports that require protection and those that don’t require protection, and will only address the latter. Those that you can practice with no clothes, at the exception of shoes and, sometimes, a hat.

Gymnastic comes from the greek gymnos

As we explore the fascinating intersection between sports and the naturist lifestyle, there’s no better starting point than the world of gymnastics. At first glance, it might seem surprising that such an athletic and disciplined sport shares a deep connection with naturism. Yet, when we look back at the roots of gymnastics, we find a bond between physical fitness and freedom of expression that aligns perfectly with the ethos of naturism.

The word “gymnastics” is derived from the ancient Greek word “gymnos,” meaning “naked.” In ancient Greece, the practice of physical activities while nude was not only commonplace but deeply integrated into their societal norms. The gymnasium, a place of both physical and intellectual education, was a setting where nudity was not only accepted but expected. To the Greeks, participating in physical activities in the nude was not about exhibitionism but about celebrating the beauty of the human form and enhancing their athletic performance.

This practice was rooted in the philosophical belief that the mind, body, and spirit were inextricably linked. The state of being naked during athletic training was thought to purify the body, foster a harmonious mind, and create a more profound connection to the surrounding environment.

In essence, the practice of gymnastics was an early form of naturism. In the ancient world, the gymnasium was a safe and respected place where individuals could engage in physical activity, learn, socialize, and embrace a body-positive attitude. While modern gymnastics no longer involves nudity, the spirit of embracing physical strength, discipline, and personal freedom remains.

In our exploration of naturism and sports, understanding this historical connection is crucial. The modern naturist lifestyle encourages the same kind of body positivity, freedom of expression, and connection with nature that the Greeks championed thousands of years ago. In this sense, engaging in sports while embracing naturism becomes an echo of an ancient tradition, revitalized and celebrated in the modern world.

Comfort, sweat and joy

Embracing sports in the naturist lifestyle is an endeavor that melds comfort, exhilaration, and a joyful celebration of the human form. When we strip away the layers, both literally and figuratively, the experience of engaging in physical activities takes on a new dimension that is liberating, natural, and deeply rewarding.

Comfort plays a significant role in this context. Without restrictive clothing, the body can move more freely, enhancing flexibility and ease of motion. This uninhibited range of movement often leads to better performance, whether you’re perfecting a yoga pose, running a trail, or swinging a tennis racket. This freedom isn’t merely physical. It’s an internal comfort that comes from embracing our bodies just as they are. I often get questions though about dangling parts? Well, the body has been designed over hundreds of thousands of years to be naked. There are therefore physical mechanism that will come into play to avoid any discomfort. I’ve ran hundreds of miles entirely naked and never suffered pain from dangling bits.

Sweat, often a bothersome byproduct of physical exertion, takes on a different connotation in the naturist sports practice. It becomes an affirmation of your effort, a tangible sign of your body’s hard work, cooling and detoxifying your body without being absorbed by clothing. This might seem like a small detail, but it is deeply empowering to recognize and appreciate your body’s ingenious mechanisms and abilities. Sweat will drip and evaporate. You will soon discover it much more comfortable to sweat naked than clothed, in soaking wet shirt and shorts.

The joy in naturist sports is multifaceted. It lies in the freedom to embrace your body’s strength and capabilities without societal constraints. It resides in the camaraderie found amongst naturist athletes who share a common love for their sport and lifestyle. It’s found in the connection to the natural elements, feeling the warmth of the sun, the brush of the breeze, or the touch of water on your skin.

A balancing act

Engaging in naturist sports is a balancing act that demands respect, openness, and a conscious understanding of our physical and social environments. It’s about striking a balance between freedom and respect, personal comfort and social norms, and enjoyment and responsibility.

Firstly, freedom in naturist sports is not without its boundaries. The primary rule is respect for others. Participants must be mindful of personal space and the comfort of their fellow athletes. Inclusivity, body positivity, and mutual respect form the core ethos of naturism and naturist sports. This respectful freedom cultivates a supportive community where everyone can confidently express themselves through the sports they love.

The balance between personal comfort and social norms is another important aspect. While naturism encourages body positivity and self-acceptance, it’s crucial to understand that everyone’s comfort levels vary. As a naturist athlete, acknowledging this balance means respecting others’ boundaries and always seeking consent in non-naturist shared spaces or activities. At the same time, it’s about educating others and breaking down misconceptions associated with naturism, leading to broader societal acceptance. This is a difficult and sometimes impossible choice, so I recommend starting in naturist settings only.

Finally, the balancing act in naturist sports involves bridging enjoyment and responsibility. As naturist athletes, we’re not only responsible for our bodies but also for the environment we engage in. Practicing sports while minimizing our impact on nature, whether it’s by keeping our beaches clean or preserving hiking trails, ensures we can continue enjoying these activities while also contributing positively to the environment. Nature is shared. Let’s take our personal responsibility to leave it clean and enjoyable for others.

Try and never walk back

Stepping into the world of naturist sports can be an intimidating prospect and thought-provoking for the uninitiated. The thought of casting aside societal norms and facing our insecurities can be daunting. Yet, for those who dare to venture, the experience often proves so rewarding that there is seldom any desire to look back.

The first step is to try. Perhaps it begins with a solo activity, like practicing yoga on a secluded beach at dawn or taking a naked hike through a private nature reserve. These moments of solitary physical exertion allow you to connect with your body and the natural world around you without the prying eyes of others. They offer a chance to appreciate your body’s capabilities, to marvel at the power and resilience that carries you through each activity.

Gradually, as you become comfortable with your body and the newfound freedom it experiences, you might find yourself drawn towards communal activities. Volleyball games on a naturist beach, or waterpolo in the cool waters of a naturist resort pool. These experiences present opportunities to foster a sense of community and shared understanding, strengthening your connection to the naturist lifestyle. One of my preferred solo activity, building naturist confidence, is a morning run on the beach. I start on the nudist beach but continue onto the non-nudist part, while staying naked though. I often meet people, greet them and never had a negative comment.

Embracing the naturist sports experience may require courage, particularly in non naturist settings. It means facing the vulnerabilities that come with exposing your physical self and breaking down the barriers that society often imposes on our perception of our bodies. However, the journey, filled with both personal and physical growth, is profoundly transformative. It shows that our fears are mostly in our minds, as long as we keep a smile on our face and are respectful to others.

So, if you’ve found your interest piqued, give it a try. Dabble in a sport you love, minus the restraints, and soak in the pure, natural freedom. You might discover a joy, a connection, and a liberation that makes turning back seem like an unlikely choice. After all, once you’ve tasted the exhilarating freedom of the naturist sports experience, why would you ever want to walk back?

Strip naked, stay naked, live naked and share the naked life!


  1. Well said! I would love to be able to play golf nude. I have a somewhat secluded part of my property to practice but that’s the best I can do.

    • Thanks Steve. That’s a start. I know there are a few golf courses in naturist resorts… Definitely something that should be enjoyable!

    • Yes, Steve, naked is the best way to golf. There have been times when I golf naked on the back 9, or even on the front 9 if there are few playing that day. If someone sees me from a distance they have never said anything.

  2. I love mountain biking, I’m not that great at it, and at my age, I’m done pursuing personal records, however I try to find areas where I can ride while nude. Being in the Great Lakes region of the US, there aren’t too many trails where I can ride and not run into anyone, so my nude mountain biking is very limited.

    However, I always ride barefoot!

    • I love bicycling naked. It is a mistake to bicycle naked only in places where we won’t be seen. I pass clothists who only have positive things to say, and it’s usually the women who offer a “good morning” first. Nobody really objects, and most just enjoy the encounter.

  3. I love to do outdoor sports naked and very Athletic and I’ve always been I am a female but I do find it hard to Ride bicycles Naked well especially because of the seat itself rubbing against your vagina LOL it comes time to be very uncomfortable and at times it has caused some Varia Say It’s debris Surfaces it’s hard to continue when you’re writing if you Know what I Mean LOL so it’s best to buy a padded seat and Even Then the Pressure against your private parts for a Woman is very uh How can I tell constant how is it for men when you write regarding your testicles and stuff does it hurt how do you feel about choosing the proper seat

    • Hi Teresa. I’m a man, and I like to bicycle naked too. I also find the seats uncomfortable. Lots of pressure on the small space between my legs. I even bought a padded seat. That particular spot is not designed to carry our whole weight. The weight needs to be more distributed to buttock mussels.

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