My Naked, Nudists and Naturists Interview


I was thrilled when Frank contacted me to be featured on Naked, Nudists and Naturists, the official podcast of AANR, followed by thousands naturist and nudist enthusiasts (and many textiles as well who discover naturism and nudism) around the world! After a short interview featured in episodes 74 and 75 (read my post about them here), here’s the full length interview.

Here’s the first part of my interview on Naked, Nudists and Naturists.

However, these episodes (which have been recorded in one interview) have some story behind it. The day the interview was supposed to happen, Frank informed me a few hours before that they had a serious issue on their IT infrastructure and he was not able to carry the interview on the given day. I had a full day at home and was ready to discuss with Frank as naturally and naked as possible. Unfortunately, we had to postpone the interview to the next day, which was not a naked day for me but a full suit and tie.

And so here we were, Frank in his birthday suit and me in a suit and tie, in a meeting room at the office. It was quite fun but having Frank, a seasoned professional and nudist, we had a great time. I’m looking forward to a future conversation with Frank, which will make fully nudist this time.

Get Nude, Stay Nude, Live Nude and Share the Nude Love!


  1. I have listened to all the episodes of Naked, Nudists, and Naturist. I listen to each episode when I have lunch on Saturdays, so I heard Frank’s interview with you. That is a very good show.

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