Transforming Your Home Into a Naturist Wellness Haven


Are you a naturist? Great! Are you not? Become one! In both cases, whether you’re a social, a closet or a holiday nudist, you should transform your home into a naturist wellness haven. Does this sound appealing? Read further!

Why transform your home into a naturist wellness haven, should you ask? First, to spend more time enjoying the comfort and benefits of nudity; second, to improve dramatically the quality of your life by embracing simple and free wellness principles; third, to demonstrate to your visitors the benefits of nudism and potentially rally them to this wonderful lifestyle. If you use the principles that I’m describing below, you’ll get all the above benefits, and many more.

The Wellness Revolution

As per, “Wellness is the result of personal initiative, seeking a more optimal, holistic and balanced state of health and well-being across multiple dimensions.” It seems like a vast program. However, small adjustments will yield incredible results, across the five dimensions of wellness: physical, mental, social, spiritual and lifestyle.

Australian Sun&Health Magazine. Naturist wellness

Physical. The World Health Organization states that 6% of deaths globally are due to physical inactivity. Many scientific studies show that a 30-minute daily physical activity, like brisk walking, reduce risk of heart disease, prevent diabetes, reduce the risk of obesity, fight depression and reduce anxiety, just to name a few benefits.

Mental. As per Psychology Today, mental wellness needs to be taken care of regularly, through mindfulness, positive thinking, self-compassion and loving others. The article provides good pointers into activities that lead to a healthy attitude. We all know that by changing the way we think, we change the way we are.

Spiritual. Ali Geary, from the Illinois State University, provides seven ways to improve spiritual wellness, which allows you to “live a life of meaning and purpose.” Spirituality isn’t restricted to religions or God. It’s about finding a deeper meaning to life, embracing every day with a positive and benevolent attitude.

Social. Researchers at Brigham Young University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill discovered that having social relationship is as important as not smoking when it comes to longevity. The more friends you have, the longer you live we could almost say. Being social, going out, sharing time with others is critical to our well-being.

Lifestyle. Lifestyle Wellness has become a multi-billion industry, with wellness centers, seminars, websites, etc. The basis of it is to eat healthy and to live healthy. The site provides 10 simple principles for a healthy lifestyle. It’s a set of small changes to tweak our life with that comes with numerous benefits.

Let’s now see how to link wellness and naturism together.

Applying Wellness Principles to a Naturist Home

Here are five actions steps, one in each dimension, to transform your home and life and embrace the nudist lifestyle as a core guiding principle.

1. Physical. Practice daily physical activity for 30 minutes. Whether it is walking, working out, swimming, make the commitment and plan it into your daily routine. Pick an activity that you can practice entirely naked. In warm seasons, go outside, in colder weather stay inside. The important point is to move your body for 30 minutes and potentially break a sweat. If you can’t be entirely naked for modesty and legal reasons only, pick a loose short and shirt. Seek opportunities to practise your activity naked.

2. Mental. Read daily for 15 to 30 minutes books and blogs about naturism. Write your blog, contribute to naturist social networks. Stay mentally active and increase your knowledge about the naturist community, naturism, and its numerous benefits. Naturism may sound a simple topic that you can discover in five minutes, either you are naked or not. However, there are multiple facets and the more you read about it, the more you’ll discover. It goes much beyond just being naked.

3. Spiritual. Do a daily naked meditation. Find a comfortable spot in your home or garden, use a meditation app or not, and entirely naked (take your jewels and glasses off too), practice 10 to 30-minute daily meditation. Nudity adds a level of liberation and relaxation to the meditation practice.

4. Social. Make public that your home is a naturist haven by hanging a “Nudist home” sign on your front door or just at the entrance of your home. People should know that you’re a nudist, that you will be naked most of the time when you’re home and that they’re welcome to get naked as well. I know this can be difficult, sometimes even impossible due to legal reasons. But, if you manage to do it, you’ll expand your comfort zone and will feel so much better. Then, when inviting people for dinner or a drink at your place, mention this will be a naked party, so they can wear whatever they want or stay entirely naked.

5. Lifestyle. Keep your home environment-friendly, using as much as possible natural products, organic food and doing your best to decrease your carbon footprint. By choosing to stay naked as much as possible, you’re already committing to decrease the usage of clothing, one of the most polluting industries, and detergent. The important point is to experience and feel in your body and mind the improvements.

So, Now, Your Turn!

Embracing the naturist lifestyle at home and in your daily life adds a new dimension to naturist practice. Here’s what you should do now to transform your home into a naturist haven and transform your life for good.

If you believe naturism is your preferred lifestyle, don’t wait and do the following:

1. Join the nearest naturist club or if there is none, create one, and invite your friends and inform your social networks to join you.

2. Find or make a “nudist home” signage (Etsy has some nice ones) and hang it in or outside your home. Consider this as one of your boldest naturist moves as this tells everybody who comes to your home that you’re a nudist.

3. Plan the above activities: 30-minute physical activity, daily mental activity, naked meditation and naked parties.

From there on, enjoy your new lifestyle! Naturism is probably one of the healthiest, both physically and mentally, and environment-friendly lifestyles. It’s growing rapidly and new members are joining every day. It’s never too late to start. Welcome to this wonderful community!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by form PxHere


  1. How have I transformed my home into a Naturist Wellness Haven. Had heart bypass surgery in Jan. 2019. I have now dedicated my life to being nude as much as possible, via diet, exercise, positive mentality. Diet: low
    fat, sodium, high protein. Exercise; 4 am walk for hour in backyard. Reside in lower Mojave Desert and can walk nude before sunrise April thru Sept on some and most days. After breakfast, meds, stationary bicycle for over 5 miles while still nude. After lunch on bicycle for 5 miles. This is in addition to walking nude/clothed. About 8 pm, walk nude in backyard, then bed by 9 or so. Hygiene; Keep head hair short, no beard, don’t touch other hair. Shower every 3 days, short shower, plus my other hygiene routine. Etc. Try to use minimal water (though not possible) to sustain and maintain my life needs. Am a male who able to take care of myself, my needs to sustain and maintain my life, though one must rely upon others to sustain and maintain ones health, well being, lifestyle. After bypass I needed in home assistance for over 2 months. Thus cause of my bypass surgery, I have committed myself, my life to being nude as much as possible, being as healthy as possible.

  2. Since I am nude as much as possible the attire I wear does not need to be washed as often, nor replaced as often. Living in the lower Mojave Desert next to the Colorado River and have done so most of my 69 years alive, I am a desert person, not a city person. I was raised going to ‘The River’ and the ‘Mojave Desert around Needles. The climate is semi arid with temps ranging from 30’s to 40’sF low to 60’sF winter.
    Fall and Spring warmer. Summer, June especially lows can be in the low 90’sF to a high of over 120F though the temp is lower in July, Aug., Sept. Thus the apparel I wear is limited to jeans and shirt year round with heavier shirts & jacket in cooler times. My perception on apparel. Wear apparel or don’t. No shorts. Underwear I don’t wear year round, don’t need to except when I leave this valley. Thus I just need to wash 2 pair of jeans and shirts at time. With being nude more often I don’t need to wash my wearables as often. I change my socks every 3 days. Wash towels, socks, and bedding every 2 weeks. Jeans and shirts when needed. Hang washables on an outdoor line(s) year round. Thus by functioning this way, I use less water and
    less water is needed to replace my washables as the washables do not need to be replaced as often. This is
    one way my life functions reduce the need of water to sustain and maintain my life’s needs. Which in turn reduces the depletion of water in the Colorado River region faster and else where as quickly as would otherwise occur. I refer this reader to another blogspot. Subject: ‘Nudism a proper solution of Global Warming.

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