Naturist Thought #42 – Pétanque


Very famous game in France, Pétanque is often played in nudist resorts around the planet. It’s a game you can play with a bunch of friends to have a great time. A game of pétanque is always fun. It does require some good skills to shoot the boules, but even if you are not gifted, you will have a great time.

Of course, pétanque does not require any outfit. A pair of flip-flops, a hat and you’re good to go. It’s the ideal game to practice naked. The objectives if to have your boules closer to the target than your opponent. Generally, you play in pairs so your buddy boules count too. It’s fun to try to come as close as possible to the target, called the “petit” (small in French), or to hit your opponent’s boule to take it out.

Pétanque is one of the funniest games to play naked. It’s particularly well fitted for naturist settings. You can play during a barbeque or while chilling, you can have a game after or before a good meal, or you can just play to have a nice activity with a bunch of friends. It’s also a great segway into naturist activities while chilling naked around the pool. You can suggest to your friends to have a game while staying naked. On your next weekend, go and play a game of naked pétanque!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by patrick gantz form PxHere


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