You should do it nudely not lewdly.


Written by Christopher Jeremiah

Before we begin, I would like to inform you that I have revised my article and am adding two more parts.

Part II – Miss G’s encouraging comments, who is a textile, but allows her mind to open up to my excellent points.

Part III – My comments back to hers.

I am leaving the article unchanged and if you do not desire to see the comments, just disregard part II and part III.

Lets begin:

As nudists, we should already know how to conduct ourselves properly, but most textiles can’t decipher the difference between sex and nudity. The two of these are definitely separate in the nudist community.  

Please let me know if you all agree in the comments section below. 

First of all, what is sex? 

Quite simply an act or action. 

Now, what is Nudity? 

Per Wikipedia, it states: “Nudity, or nakedness, is a state of being in which a human person is not wearing clothing, or more specifically not covering their genitals.”

It is therefore not an action, but it is a state of being. A friendly lifestyle where participants choose to not wear anything and allow themselves to feel the freedom of the breeze and sunlight to touch their bodies.

Now ask yourself if all clothing is non-sexual? 

Is it really?  

You know the ones where the male genitals are showing by shape alone through underwear. 

This can be seen in some women’s poses too, by the way she positions her legs. 

The pictures that are described above have real sexual connotations to them even though there is absolutely no nudity whatsoever.  

Please remember that it is better not to use extremes. It is all about context. 

Nudity is not always sexual  


   Clothing is not always non-sexual.  

Understanding these pictures in your mind can show that clothing can be very sexual at times.

Why is it that most people inappropriately equate nudity automatically with sex without even thinking?

They should look at how the nude person is acting or what they are doing before they try to pass judgment.  

If you open up your mind to other ideas and thoughts, then you may realize that nudity is not intrinsically sexual. 

When you are ready to take a shower and you are nude, what kind of sex are you having? 

If you’re in the bedroom and your partner is in bed, you are just standing in the room doing nothing at all, while nude, what kind of sex are you having? 

NONE whatsoever! 

Do you see my point?  

There are numerous family-friendly nudist resorts where age does not play a factor. 

People should be raised properly in a clean wholesome respectful manner and environment that protects our families.  

I’m going to provide you with a couple of ways to understand what I am saying about the human body. 

First of all, you have laid eyes on the most beautiful entity you have ever seen. The most intricate in the world:  


The second lucid point is, why must you keep it hidden if everyone already knows what it under the clothing? 

Why do you really need to hide it?  

Other than for reasons of protection, warmth, or a certain level of sanitation, you don’t! 

All guys have the same equipment as each other 


All ladies have their own respective equipment.  

We have all seen both! 

Both bodies have their own inherent beauty regardless.

Since we all have already seen it, then why can’t we just be free and open with everyone else?

You can be the real genuine person that you should be proud of while having nothing whatsoever to be ashamed of. 

So, how can people be disgusted by the sight of the beautiful human body?  

Why do most people just assume that someone is a pervert or being sexual if they are nude? 

Because of the illogical association with the very topic of this article, Nudity and Sex! 

Why do you think that you need to cover it with artificial guards hiding who you truly are?  

We are forced to live with our beautiful bodies covered up that hide our true innate beauty. 

Why can’t society just allow us our own freedom of choice?  

No one is ever forced to look at our bodies. Yet, instead of ignoring us the same way when we are covered, they will stare and gawk at us, while they notify the authorities to have us hauled away.

We should just accept each other for who we are and what we look like while we ALL live in unity, harmony and, yes, also peace.  

Would this not be a much more pleasant life for everyone?

If we all just did this, we would not even need clothes! 

If humanity can be improved while having the utmost respect for each other, then ALL of us just need to strip and free ourselves from our own inhibitions! Get your courage up and get the exhilarating feeling and be liberated once and for all. That’s what I did for myself to make it work for me. I just summoned my courage to try this wonderful liberating experience and I was finally “OPEN & FREE!” You need to feel more comfortable with yourself and realize that we are all imperfect. That’s what makes us all unique human beings.

We, nudists, are the friendliest people you will ever meet. We look through your eyes at who you are as a person, not judge you by how you look on the outside. After all, we know that the eyes are the windows to what really counts. 

One more thing you should consider is how we all were created.  

Did our supreme designer have some flaw in his creation when he made us? 

Why is everything else he created considered beautiful, but our bodies must be covered? 

Nothing else must be covered for reasons of indecency or any other reason. 

Our bodies are, in fact, lovely but most societies restrict our fundamental liberties to coincide with their own narrow-minded views.

European nations are much freer about nudity.

In Spain, people are expected to cover up in certain situations, as, in larger cities, it is just not illegal in Spain. The beaches mostly in Germany and France, among others, are not actually “clothing optional” but you are still free to remove your clothing at will.

In contrast, the USA has some very restrictive regulations in place regarding nudity. Most Americans turn their noses up at any kind of nudity. You can actually be arrested if you are nude in a majority of places in the US. Only in certain secluded or hard to reach areas are you allowed to be nude. Even in these places, not everyone is nude. Even so-called nude beaches can have most of the people wearing clothes like the ones that I have attended.

How is that really a nude beach then?

Why would you bother going to a nude beach if you are NOT nude?

If you want to wear clothes then stay at a textile beach. There is NO purpose for you at a nude beach unless you are strictly there to stare and gawk, making some of us uncomfortable. Save our space for the confident people who actually want to partake in the ritual of being comfortable exposing themselves.

I would love to live in a world where we all could have the freedom of choice and we all could just accept and love one another once and for all, someday. We could all live in a wonderful non-judgmental society that could accept each other better and not judge ourselves strictly on the outer shell.  

After all, what is more important, the outer shell or the inner person?  

Do you agree? 

Part II

These comments are from a wonderful encouraging textile, Miss G, who allows herself to have an open mind and understand the points I have made in my article. Her comments have arrows pointing towards them.

Are nudity and sex synonymous in your life?

—> To a large degree, yes. Only because I haven’t been around nudism much. So to have a person disrobe before me is a signal in my delighted brain. “Ok, we’re going to have sex now.” Having said that, I did not feel this way when my parents were naked when I was a kid. And I do not feel this way when my daughter is naked around me. Both were natural and comfortable to me, and even endearing in ways. Sweet and bonding. It left me feeling they trusted/trust me and felt close to me and comfortable with me.

This is very obvious to me but in case you have a question in your mind, let me look at each one with you because I feel anyone should know this.

What is sex? An act or action.
Nudity? Perception or lifestyle. Also the state of wearing what you were born with.

—> Yes. But society has created our perception of nudity being sexual or “bad”. Criminal even. Shameful. Genitals and breasts as “forbidden fruit”. And so many of us see them and are titillated or shocked or just find it out of place. I like that you are challenging this thinking. I love to expand my mind and look at a thing from all facets. Ultimately I’d like to enjoy the freedom of nudism, particularly the freedom from poor body image that starts so young and has plagued me in many serious ways over the years.

Now ask yourself if all clothing is NON sexual? Is it really? I have seen more than a few of these types of pictures that have a real sexual connotation to them. If you saw the same pictures as me, you can see that clothing can be very sexual at times, so why is it that people inappropriately equate nudity automatically with sex without even thinking.

—> Good point! If anything, clothing can enhance the body’s image into that of a very sexual being. Or a very asexual being for that matter. Meanwhile naked is just naked.

—> I’ve had the experience of seeing many naked pics of a man on a profile, and actually finding the clothed pic he happened to include as the sexiest of them all. It’s not that his body itself wasn’t sexy – it was – but that the less-is-more phenomenon came into play.

If you think about this topic intelligently and rationalize it, you can already see that it is different. If you can try to open up your mind to other ideas and thoughts, you will be able to see my points and make changes in your life to your way of thinking without any sexual connotations.

—> Sounds logical.

When you are ready to take a shower and you are nude, what kind of sex are you having?

—> none

If you’re in the bedroom and your partner is in bed, you are just standing in the room doing nothing at all, while nude, what kind of sex are you having?

—> None that is intentional. But I recall when married that I couldn’t be naked around my husband without feeling like a we object in his eyes. It’s fabulous to be desired, but sometimes I just wanted to get from the shower to dressed for work without feeling – is the word objectified?

Now think of your children and how you nurture and protect them. Most of society thinks and feels the same way. So why are there family friendly nudist resorts?

—> my initial reaction right now was to recoil from this concept. Fear of predators…. I don’t even want their eyes on my child. However, I let myself imagine that the families are my good friends. Good protective parents that I need not fear. My mind nudged open a little

Children are intermingling with adults in a clean respectful non threatening environment. If all of us could do that there wouldn’t even be this unneeded taboo of having to hide ourselves from children that will see it anyway in due time at some point in their lives.

—> my parents were quite naked even if we kids weren’t really. I was accustomed to it at 9-years-old when they divorced. I distinctly recall visiting my dad at his new apartment. He was naked, and on the phone talking with his new girlfriend. I was dressed. She asked him if he was naked in front of me. He said “yes, but Lena’s always seen me like this though”. His girlfriend somehow let him know it wasn’t appropriate. From that moment on I thought of nudity as a no-no. I literally recall looking at my dad’s naked body during that phone call thinking “Oh. This is a bad thing. Okay.” Never had my father ever in anyway been inappropriate toward me in a sexual manner. His girlfriend might have done well to mind her own damn business.

Raise your children properly and they would not be afraid of our bodies they would accept it the same way we should all accept each other properly in a clean wholesome respectful manner.

—> Agreed. I was naked around both kids until my son began to protest. I respect his wishes and I am dressed.

—> My daughter very much enjoys being nude. Sexuality is the farthest thing from her mind, she’s just more comfortable this way. It’s truly adorable to me. But her brother is, again, uncomfortable about it. So she makes efforts to respect his comfort zone. With me she can be herself.

I’m going to provide you with a couple of ways to understand what I am saying about the human body.

First off, you have seen the most beautiful thing you have ever seen before: the human body!

—> Many will get hung up on society’s definition of beauty at this point. I admit that I am. I think the human body is miraculous, but not necessarily always beautiful.

Second is, what is the big secret if you already know what it consists of?

—> Hmm. Miraculous body parts that allow us to enjoy this beautiful thing called life? 🙂

Why do you really need to hide it? You don’t! All guys have the same equipment as each other and gals have the same beautiful works of art as each other. Both bodies have their own inherent beauty regardless. Since you have already seen it all before then why don’t you just be free and open with yourself and others? You can be the real genuine person that you should be proud of and have nothing whatsoever to be ashamed of.

—> Getting to this point will take me more time and study. Sounds great though. Truly.

—> One thing that stood out in the exhibitionist versus nudist article was this:

“I can speak from a woman’s perspective that it’s the sexual objectification of the woman’s body since forever that makes it so hard to want to be naked in front of people.”

—> Even if my body were “perfect” by society’s standards, I don’t necessarily want it scrutinized by others – positively or negatively – when I’m trying to relax at the beach. My understanding is that I’d calm down and adjust, but that is hard to believe. And that the scrutiny I expect won’t necessarily even be there. At the same time I’ve heard people mention displeasure or arousal about others’ bodies in the beach. Eeeek, that’s a little scary to me, Chris.

So I ask you how you can get disgusted by the sight of the beautiful human body.

—> I’m not, necessarily. I imagine nothing the bodies and politely not staring, and resisting judgment. At the same time we are human.

Are you feeling the same way about anything else God created?

—> Never. Good point.

Then why is the human anatomy the only exception? Why do you think that you should cover it with articles of clothing? You choose to live with our beautiful bodies covered up by artificial guards and facades that hide our true beauty and who we really are. We should accept each other. If we all just did this, we would not even need clothes.

—> society and church and custom trained us to sexualized and shame our nudity.

—> I might struggle to sit beside my man on a beach blanket while he felt very “naturally” aroused about naked women before his eyes. I admit this would possibly be a serious bummer.

If you agree with me at all, and how it can improve humanity, then you need to just do it! You need to feel more comfortable with yourself and others.

—> I can certainly see the potential freedom and joy in it.

One more thing you should consider, is how you were created and also how everything else was. Why is everything else beautiful?

—> this is a beautiful message 🙂

I would love to live in a world where we all could have the freedom of choice and all accept and love one another, and live in a wonderful society that could all not judge each other strictly on the outer shell. What about you?

—> hell yes

After all what is more important, the outer or inner person? Do you agree?

—> absolutely the inner self is more important, and the older I get the more I feel that.

Part III – My comments back to hers. Hers are the large letters in italics and mine are the smaller ones.

I would like to sincerely thank you, Miss G, for your in-depth and comprehensive response. It is the most impressive reply I have ever gotten.

I am going to reply back in the same manner. Point by point.

Lets begin,

society has created our perception of nudity being sexual or “bad”. Criminal even. Shameful. Genitals and breasts as “forbidden fruit”. And so many of us see them and are titillated or shocked or just find it out of place. I like that you are challenging this thinking. I love to expand my mind and look at a thing from all facets. Ultimately I’d like to enjoy the freedom of nudism, particularly the freedom from poor body image that starts so young and has plagued me in many serious ways.

This is a dam shame. It’s only because of our outdated ways of thinking from the puritanical days of the pilgrims. We need to update our thinking to present times and start to think in the 21st century. Why should certain aspects of our bodies be forbidden when we already know what’s hidden beneath the covers that we place on ourselves?
I’m glad that you want to open your mind and think from all angles, if we all could do this we would be in a much friendlier and accepting world. I really must ponder why we are the most closed minded society when it comes to this. Just look at Europe.

my initial reaction right now was to recoil from this concept. Fear of predators…. I don’t even want their eyes on my child. However, I let myself imagine that families are my good friends. Good protective parents that I need not fear. My mind nudged open a little

If you get the courage to try just once to go to a family-friendly nudist resort, you would put your mind and ease and see that we are all safe from this worry and observe the other families and see just how much (or lack thereof) that people including children are in actuality NOT leered at or gawked at. Thanks for nudging your mind open a bit, thats all im asking and you can step in with one toe at a time if that makes you more comfortable.

my parents were quite naked even if we kids weren’t really. I was accustomed to it at 9-years-old when they divorced. I distinctly recall visiting my dad at his new apartment. He was naked, and on the phone talking with his new girlfriend. I was dressed. She asked him if he was naked in front of me. He said “yes, but Lena’s always seen me like this though”. His girlfriend somehow let him know it wasn’t appropriate. From that moment on I thought of nudity as a no-no. I literally recall looking at my dad’s naked body during that phone call thinking “Oh. This is a bad thing. Okay.” Never had my father ever in anyway been inappropriate toward me in a sexual manner. His girlfriend might have done well to mind her own damn business.

I agree this girlfriend should have kept her dam mouth shut by all means.
If you and your father were ok with it, then who is she to instill her morals and beliefs upon you? You went further to indicate that your relationship with your father was totally appropriate. So what was the problem until she stuck her nose where it didn’t belong?

Agreed. I was naked around both kids until my son began to protest. I respect his wishes and I am dressed.

Children only emulate what they are taught, so I am curious why your son would even protest. He had to have some influence from his dad or school or somewhere.

Sexuality is the farthest thing from her mind, she’s just more comfortable this way.

Exactly my point this is the way I feel more comfortable too, it had absolutely NOTHING to do with sex or sexuality at all.

Many will get hung up on society’s definition of beauty at this point. I admit that I am. I think the human body is miraculous, but not necessarily always beautiful.

My argument is simply this:
Who created us ( human bodies) more than likely the answer is god.
Good if so, then does a supreme omnipotent being make mistakes?
If so, then he is not so omnipotent or supreme, is he?
If not then, why is everything else he created beautiful except our bodies?
Beauty is always subjective. “eye of the beholder”

society and church and custom trained us to sexualized and shame our nudity.

Again this is what we must move away from. old thinking old times, fresh thinking fresh views. Can you imagine if technology stood back and never developed, where would we be?

I might struggle to sit beside my man on a beach blanket while he felt very “naturally” aroused about naked women before his eyes. I admit this would possibly be a serious bummer.

Only if he is thinking in a purely sexual context, but nudists do not think like this. I have heard that it usually doesn’t happen and its something that can’t be helped if it does. I have heard both ways, either cover it up with a towel or go into the water, OR its a natural bodily function with us men and just not pay attention to it. We have very little control of it if any at all.

I can certainly see the potential freedom and joy in it.

You don’t know how correct you are! Once you try it you will love it and never go back. Once I have skinny dipped I now refuse to wear a suit.
Wearing something in the water is the most ridiculous absurd thing I have ever heard.

this is a beautiful message 🙂 Thank you for your compliments

absolutely the inner self is more important, and the older I get the more I feel that.

Then its been settled you need to go out and just do it as I did.
I can even meet you in the middle and give you moral support. One such area is the Fulsom St. fair in September if you are interested in attending. It’s in San Fran in CA.
AS they say, you go girl!!!

“Nudism has been hidden away for far too long. Its time people were allowed to live their lives as they want rather than be dictated to.” – Roland Brown

Miss G says,

“Chris you are a fabulous spokesperson for nudism. So encouraging and kind. Not to mention adorable. I have a vision of me naked in the bushes with only one toe peeking out. Soon two. Later three. You get the picture. Meanwhile my naked friend Chris lays/sleeps in the sun patiently waiting.”

Photo by Adrianna Calvo from Pexels

Previous articleNude or is it naked? Which do you prefer?
Next articleNaturist Thought #89 – Ignorance
Christopher Jeremiah
True "Buff-man" living on the west coast transplanted from the east coast in New York. Was reborn nude on July 8th, 2018, and composing persuasive essays ever since. I am passionate about exposing the world to the numerous benefits of nudism and convincing everyone to at least try it once. Their lives could change for the better as mine did on the date of my transformation. I still have a very long arduous journey ahead of me, every step I take. I have experienced only 1 nude beach so far, and I plan to sail the seas on an all-nude cruise as soon as possible. I have been writing for your enjoyment as well as therapy for me. I am trying to share the love of the lifestyle. I love getting comments on my writing so that I know you are reading my work and can improve my writing so that more of you will want to partake what I compose. I totally enjoy the freedom and openness of being nude, or as I say, "open and free" See more of my material on my site Christopher no space Love ? Christopher CJ Jeremiah


  1. Buf man really good article. I have used theses thoughts several times talking to friends about nudism.Its so funny as you say that we all look the same, have the same parts but we are afraid of each other seeing us. I’ve never had these fears I’m happy to say. Its so natural to be nude . Thanks for you thoughts.

    • You are so very welcome and thank you for your comments on my blog and I look forward to hearing from you again on my next blogs in the future.

    • Thanks for your comments. Im glad there are those of us that can see clean respectful nudity for what it is, in no way harmful or offensive in any way.

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