Nudist idea #8: Organize a naked dinner


Inviting some friends for a dinner? Why not inviting some nudist friends and have a naked dinner? You can also grab the opportunity to invite non-nudist friends and let them know there will be some nudists at the dinner and if they do not mind, this will be a clothing optional dinner!
Nudist dinners are fun. The first good thing is that you do not have to care of what to wear. No formal suit, just your birthday one! Of course, you can always wear some nice jewelery, it’s a dinner and a perfect occasion to “overdress”!

The second thing with is great about naked dinner parties is they are much more relaxed than clothed ones. By being naked, we know it will be a laid-back, cool and joyful moment among nudist friends.
Of course, if there are non nudist to the dinner you can propose that they get naked or stay clothed. Your naked dinner is a clothing optional one. However, there is good chance if your clothed friends accepted the dinner that they will undress sooner than later. I notices that it’s always more uncomfortable to stay clothed in the middle of naked people than the opposite. Surely because naked people are comfortable in being naked.

On the organization, prepare towels for your guest, as they may not think of bringing one, particularly if they are coming dressed and undress at your place (hint: if you are invited to a naked party, leave your place naked and drive to your friends if you can park close). You can also decide on the menu based on Naked Food Magazine for instance, with naked appetizers, naked entrees and naked deserts (in this context, naked means new authentic kind and enlightened diet, but hey, it’s naked like our guests).

Overall, have fun. It will be a memorable experience, and I’m pretty sure you will look forward to organizing others. Share you experience and comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Andrew Wong on Unsplash


  1. The photos are questionable as to if they are true nudist or not. Because towels are not in use for sitting. # 1 rule of nudity, always set on a towel.

    • how often were the nudist dinners?

      was it daily, weekly, monthly, yearly?

      what years were the nudist dinners held?

      can a man walk around with an erection?

      does he need to cover it up with a towel?

  2. We weren’t trying to be rude, the pics other wise were quite lovely but not representative of what we practise in real life.

  3. Definitely, husband and I share this together, sometimes it’s me and sometimes it’s him. However we also like seeing others comments and thoughts as well. We may not always all agree but one thing we all share is our love to be nude and share the wonderful possibilities of living life that way.

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