Nudist idea #68: Binge watch Netflix


It’s a cold and rainy Saturday, there’s no real possibilities to enjoy nature, so better stay indoor and indulge. I’m sure there’s this series or this movie you wanted to watch for a long time. It’s the perfect time.

First, you need to get ready for some action or romance. Get a pack of your favorite drink, some food, and make yourself comfortable on the couch. Make sure the temperature is correct, so you’ll be comfortable naked. Because the whole idea is of course to enjoy this in your birthday suit. You can invite a bunch of friends to join, sharing it will be a clothing optional afternoon/evening, as you already are in your birthday suit. Then, let’s get started.

Of course, you need to pick the right series or movie, so you can really get comfortable and enjoy the experience for the next three to four hours. Pick a full season of a series for instance, so the cliffhanger of each episode will move you to the next. Simple and so enjoyable when you know you have all the time ahead of you, and so comfortable as you are lying on your couch with a glass of wine, a beer or just a coke and some comfort food. Overall, just a great moment in the best possible attire. No clothing required to enjoy TV!

Have you ever binge watch Netflix naked? How was it? We would love to hear about your experience in the comment section below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash


  1. if i was in a relationship with a female person in her 20’s or early 30’s we hopefully would watch Netflix naked but if it gets boring we might have to spice it up by doing sexual things at home while we are watching Netflix

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