Nudist idea #82: write a book naked


Alone, in front of your computer, the best clothing choice is none? Not quite sure? Try! As I write this post, I am in my preferred suit, the one that suits me best, my birthday one. So comfortable!

Write naked is actually the title of a book, written by NY Times best-selling author Jennifer Probst. It explains the path to success of the author, who does not seem to write in her birthday suit, but who knows? The fact is for most nudists, nudity is the most comfortable clothing option for all-day errands and activities. Writing can be one of those, whether you write on a piece of paper or on a computer.

Image result for writing nakedPersonally, I love to write sitting, the laptop on one arm of the couch, or at my desk, when I need to move among multiple windows, while preparing an article or a book (I still have books on nudism on preparation. I am just taking my time). However, the one thing that keeps me going is being comfortably naked. The comfort of nudity inspires me more that when clothed. It’s probably a question of hormones or neurotransmitters like endophirns. The point is, for me, it helps a lot. What about you?
Are you writing naked? On paper, or on computer? How do you feel? Share your experiences in the comments below.

In the meantime, Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Vlad Hilitanu on Unsplash


  1. Husband and I both write and compute while nude. It just seems that our minds are more free, clear and creative when doing so.. Ms. K

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